Wilhelm application - finished.

Aug 31, 2010 20:43

NAME: Chels.
JOURNAL: abthitine
EMAIL: whitexxprayer@yahoo.com
AIM: distorted vomit
WIKI NAME: lostbirth. Not created yet.
CHARACTERS: None so far.

CHARACTER NAME: Wilhelm/Heinlein.
FANDOM: Xenosaga.
CANON: Post Xenosaga III.
WHAT THEY LOST: Sanity. To elaborate, Wilhelm has this driven passion to want to ‘save’ the world from its’ utmost destruction in the far away future. His methods have been questionable in the past and lives had been lost but not due to his own hand. Wilhelm still has his logical senses still intact. His ability to think, speak and act are still as sharp as they’ve ever been. What causes this anomaly in his mind could be pinned to a Neurological disorder that’s crawled into his mind and throughout the years slowly ate away at his interaction with others and the world around him. A year before he came to Paradisa, his condition progressed in a downward spiral. Because of this transformation, Wilhelm’s ability to work and interact around others naturally has become a bit strained.

Because this was Wilhelm’s main objective in Xenosaga, I wanted to incorporate that into this setting, but not as dramatic.

ABOUT THE CHARACTER: Wilhelm’s sole purpose in this lifetime and the next is simply to protect the Lower Domain (where humans and souls inhabit) from destruction. Created by the Collective Unconscious, his main objectives are to make sure that the power of Anima isn’t used to prevent the collapsing of the Upper Domain (where U-DO inhabits) and to keep the Collective Unconscious from collapsing as well. Though it is stated that Wilhelm does not possess the power to stop that from happening. Wilhelm is often seen around the ancient artifact called the Compass of Order and Chaos, which is used to watch movements of consciousness and actions. Wilhelm also takes on the alias of Heinlein, the CEO of Hyams Group, Vector Industries’ main competitor. He is also the only one ultimately leading Ormus.

From that point, Wilhelm is always seen around the Compass, silently watching it and musing to himself, or chatting shortly with the Testaments in the comfort of the Dämmerung, Vector Industries headquarters. He seems to take great pleasure in watching the events around him unfold, though it is said that he already knows the outcomes of those events and those to come in the future. This just makes him all the more mysterious. Not only that but Wilhelm over 6,000 years old, older then Yeshua (chaos) and Mary Magdalene.

Wilhelm is a very calm individual. His speech, mannerisms and movements lack any type of emotion, other then that watchful and knowing tone. One could say there is some form of interest- perhaps even happiness when he is speaking to chaos and Mary, and admiration when he speaks of Albedo. Wilhelm is hardly ever surprised by the events that unfold around him (mostly because he knows already) but takes great pleasure in watching each and every event that takes place. On top of his calm exterior, Wilhelm is a crafty and manipulative creature with human beings as his main targets. One particular event could be when Wilhelm goes up to Kevin Winnicot during his childhood years after his home world was destroyed, and told him of a way to avoid all the death, thus lying and manipulating the boy, who would later lie Shion Uzuki.

The universe and those within it seem nothing more then a show or game for him. It seems he knows just how to prey on the thoughts and desires of those around him. Such as the Testaments. For Kevin it was saving the world and Shion, for Virgil it was revenge, for Voyager it was power. Albedo was nothing more then the last piece he needed to create the Eternal Recurrence and perhaps from various views, Wilhelm had a great interest in the U.R.T.V.

Wilhelm is also very intelligent- having created the U.M.N., he is always plotting and thinking ten steps ahead. He often plays chess with the testaments or by himself, but he loves thinking of future moves and often related the world to a game of chess. Listening to piano, especially pieces by Wagner, is another of Wilhelm’ activities. Despite Wilhelm’s more relaxing interests, he takes great pleasure in causing others pain, both physically and mentally. He tortures Shion in front of Kevin and the rest of the group, all for satisfaction and for Mary to obey and give him the pendant to active Zarathustra. He also mentally destroys Margulis by telling him all his beliefs and lessons were nothing more then lies.

He shows no romantic feelings for anyone, maybe he’s void of that emotion, or just blinded by his own personal desires to see anyone else other then himself. There are some exceptions to his cruelty. Yeshua (chaos) has been an adversary of his since the Ancient Lost Jerusalem Era but there seems to be no hatred between the two. It’s far less from love but above even disliking each other. Even besides his blatant disregard for humans, he strives to save their live times, to which Abel, Nephilim and chaos extend just a bit longer.

Wilhelm saves their crafts and sends them to save space, the last deed seen by him. All in all, his passion was fulfilled.

Having thought to be killed, or rather destroyed after the events following Zarathustra demise, Wilhelm finds himself at Paradisa with a new body resembling his previous form. He seeks to continue his work, extending the world even longer from its’ destruction, to find more pawns for his plan and carefully watch how the world has changed since his absence.

THIRD-PERSON WRITING SAMPLE: Garnet shaded eyes slowly scanned the white-washed bedroom walls of the creatures new bedroom. It was a simple set up, a bed, table, dresser. Things would need to be added, especially something to play his classical records and a chess table for those who joined him in the bleak setting. It would liven up the conversation, no matter how dull and trite it might be. Chatting wasn’t something Wilhelm enjoyed as much as just listening and observing. Words meant nothing to him if they didn’t have some ulterior motive to them. With no motive, things, people, actions were useless.

His shoes made a soft click on the wooden floors as he made his way across the bedroom, not bothering to even take further explorations into the things already placed in this room for him. No, he didn’t care one bit about the material things in life. These things were not here once beings came into the world, so there shouldn’t be use for them now, right? Though Wilhelm had to admit, man-made objects did come in handy. A pale hand came to rest of the oak wood windowsill, nails clinking against the grain as the same red eyes that previously scanned the room now scanned the place outside his window. Wilhelm could see a few people lurking about, some under the trees chatting with each other, some wondering across the courtyard to the next place on their list.

“Ah, such interesting beings.”

His voice whisper of a voice traveled through the room and a smile stretched across his face. Oh what fun he would have here. A new setting, new faces, a whole new world to mold and create from the dirt and grass. It was best to save things while they were still fresh and new, and oh, that’s what Wilhelm planned to do with this lovely landscape. It all came down to how the people treated each other and the earth beneath them, how they evolved and created new creations and did experiments. He wouldn’t even have to get his hands dirty.

The hand from the wood came up and opened the window, letting in a fresh breeze which ruffled the white-gray hair on the man’s head. It sent a shiver down his spine. It was so nice to be out of space, where he could take a deep breath, let the air fill his lungs and release that air, only to repeat the action once more.

“Wonderful. Simply wonderful.”

FIRST-PERSON WRITING SAMPLE: [ a sigh, a soft murmur through slightly closed lips as the man sitting at the table crosses his legs and fingers the chess piece in his hand ]

Human beings truly are magnificent creatures. They create their own faiths, act their lives in how they see fit, but ah, they don’t see the true entity holding the strings above them. But how they’ve come from the womb, how they learn. They teach their kind how to speak. They preach about what is right and true, and what is wrong and cruel.

[ the hand moves the piece to a square, snatching the black piece from it’s place and holds it to the owner’s eyes. ]

Despite all of that, they are beautiful.

INTENT: Because of how Wilhelm’s character is, he’s mostly going to observe those around him and talk to those who interest him. I’d like Wilhelm to be as social as his character allows him, I’d like to see some form of conflict involving him as well, but not until farther down the road. I want suspense to build, along with those associated with Wilhelm.


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