Feb 01, 2005 01:00
You know you’re Desoto McGuire when.
You drink Guinness as if it is a sixth food group. (yeah)
You disagree with above - Guinness is the FIRST food group. (Grand!)
The further you get from Ireland, the more Irish you get. (You guys know that’s true)
You eat home fried taters for breakfast, potato bread for lunch, and potato stew for dinner. (Sadly I have done that more than once before)
You cry at sad movies, but you cheer in battle. (Okay okay so I don’t cry… I get a little choked up.)
You see no problem with taking extra food from the university cafeteria so you can eat on the weekends.
You will never play professional basketball or baseball or football for that matter.
There isn't a huge difference between losing your temper and killing someone. (cough)
You're strangely poetic after a few beers.
You’re just strangely poetic.
You think Golf is a curse.
Much of your food is boiled.
You are, or know someone, named "Murph." If you don't know Murph, then you know Mac. If you don't know Murph or Mac, then you know Sully, and you'll probably also know Sully McMurphy.
You have a friend named Devorsey and know it’s got nothing to do with his parents being divorced
your parents were on a first name basis with everyone at the local emergency room. (No kidding they are.)
There wasn't a huge difference between your last wake and your last keg party. (I’m pretty sure the last keg party I went to was a wake…)
You know that going "barefootin" is one of the great joys of life (Yes it really is)
You've taken a road trip to South of the Border - and it wasn't Mexico
You know what Moe’s is and are pissed that it doesn’t exist everywhere.
You buy your groceries at Bi-Lo or know the quickest way to the fifteen ones that are within ten minutes from your house.
On top of that you can’t go to a Bi-Lo without knowing the cashier.
You know someone who works at Hooters, and the Hooters is across the street from the Church.
You gave Dr. Bob Jones ice cream on the same night you rolled his house.
You know from experience that rattlesnake meat tastes like chicken.
And copperhead.
And Water moccasin (it’s a snake)
You got in a fight with a boar and have the scars to prove it.
You actually respond to Matt, Desoto, or Mick.
You eat out at least once a week at a mafia-owned Italian pizza parlor.
You know what the Clock is, Clock 1 all the way through 15, you know what the 2 O’clock and the 8 O’clock are.
You've taken deliberate field trips to the Andy Warhol museum.
You know that Ahia is a river, a boulevard, and a state.
You hear "you guyses", or "yins" and don't think twice.
You hate Cleveland, although you've never been there.
You know what is meant by "The Point" in Pittsburgh.
You can eat cold pizza (even for breakfast) and know others who do the same.
You know for a fact that there are no mountains in Texas.
You have an uncontrollable urge to buy bread and milk when you hear the word "snow."
When you were a kid and somebody really pissed you off, you said, "I'm gonna deck you!"
Saying "y'all" isn't just a cute expression; it actually means something.
Your annual church fundraiser always deals with bbq and potato salad
You have a sunburn from May to October
You can tell the difference between cotton fields and tobacco fields while driving
One of your neighbors has a confederate flag hanging on their front porch
You prefer Chick-fil-a to KFC
Your school classes were cancelled because of a hurricane even though you lived in the mountains.
You have actually uttered the phrase "It's too hot to go to the pool"
You ever went cow-tipping or snipe hunting or spider sniffin’.
You know people who consider a six pack and a bug zapper quality entertainment.
You've ever had Community Coffee.
You have spent a summer afternoon on the Lake Pontchartrain seawall catching blue crabs.
You shake out your shoes before putting them on.
You own a "Yankees Suck" shirt or hat.
You pray for the Red Sox to win the World Series not this season, but in your lifetime.
When the Red Sox won the World Series you were still happy about the next year.
You fucking hate the bloody fucking Patriots.
You keep an ice scraper in your car...year round.
Deep down you know no matter what they say you are not too young to smoke Marlboro Reds