Dodgey internet connections and those little people inside your computer....

Jun 08, 2009 18:18

Hey guys, soooo sorry for being a sucky flister lately. Hope you're all doing ok, I will catch up with you all but bare with me.

My excuses, though none really suffice for leaving you lovely people in the lurch:

My internet - has been really sucky the last week or so. It's been on and off more times than Paris Hilton's knickers!

My college and work-placement - really enjoying it, but you know, it takes up time! ;)

New Simmies - Love the new game! It's in the small, well thought out details like the shadows moving or how the sky changes depending on the time of day and I flove that it's actually harder because I could play The Sims 2 with my hands tied behind my back...blindfolded! ;) However, I have had a lot of problems with it, I lost the first family I spent the whole first day playing on because it wouldn't let me load it the next day and then it wouldn't let me save the next one! >:( Having less problems now but a patch would be nice!

Kyra - she's not been too good the last few days, think it's an ear/eye infection. She's doing better now but lots of cuddles were involved! ;)


OMG I don't bloody believe, was just about to post and my damn internet is off again! >:(
Will try agin later. *runs to try and fix*

YATTTAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally got it to work!!!!! :D :D :D
FYI I've changed the date of this entry now but the orginal was 11:37 this morning. *sigh*
Hopefully it'll stick around now. *crosses everything*

stupid damn technology, the sims, kyra, just checking in, i suck, stupid damn internet

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