WARNING: Ranting!!!

Oct 24, 2007 13:50

Rah, ever just feel like the whole world is out to get you? :(

First thing is first, my Uni time-table is ridiculous!  
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays I'm there for like ever!!! Out of the house for 9am and not home until getting on for 8pm!!! 
Mondays are possibly the most pointless days on earth! I have one lecture 5pm-6pm! I have to catch the 4pm train, so I have to leave at 3.30ish. The lecture usually starts late at like 5.10 and always finishes early at 5.45ish! So then the next train I can get home is at 6.30 so I have to wait at the train station in the freezing cold for what feels like ages! Then when the train comes, I have to get all the way home. So we're talking 7.30pm. So for a half hourish Lecture I have to be out for like four hours!!! Which is just ridiculous!!! Argh!!! And to top it all off you can actually download the lecture slides from the internet the next day but I have to go for attendance sake!!! :(

So with all the travelling, Uni work and whatever I'm completely worn out! I really need a good loooooooong sleep, only I like to be awkward and don't sleep well! It takes me forever to get to sleep and when I do I'm constantly waking up! And it feels like I've only just gotten to sleep by the time my alarm goes off! :(

Oh and I swear everything I own hates me!!! My iPod keeps crashing and won't work! The internet keeps going off! My laptop is running slow! My printer refuses to acknowledge that it has paper and keeps asking for some! And I swear my stool keeps moving so I'll trip over it! (And I so couldn;t think how to spell trip then! I think I'm going mad!)

And I think I'm getting a cold!!! :(

Argh! As my Mum would say, I want rubbing out and drawing again! :S LOL!!!

ETA: I'm a whiny Bitch!

ranting, me, life sucks, :(

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