Been working on my vid, Woohoo! It's got down an AU track with a story, only thing is I kinda got myself a little stuck, I have a beginning and and end and a little in the middle but I'm not too sure how to get from where I'm at in the middle to the ending with what I've got if you know what I mean! Grrr, I spent all that time putting it together and I thought I knew what was going where now it turns out I kinda don't. I might just have to rethink the whole thing, which'll probably mean abandoning yet another unfinished vid and I don't wanna do that! Damn it Ashleigh!!! I'm gonna try my best to persevere with it because I really wanted this to be the vid I finally finished. Seriously WTF is with me, I'm a hopeless vidder, most people have lots of finished vids and a few unfinished one but I have a few finished ones and hundreds of unfinished ones! :( You know what, I'm sticking at it, I'm not giving up, although that probably means 'll be off to stare at the screen for a few hours to achieve nothing but frustrating myself!!! *sigh*
And whilst I'm feeling ranty-whiny:
This season seemed to be going so effing great but now I can't decide if I actually still love the show or if I hate it.
The most obvious reason for this is the whole Sylar and Elle storyline. They spent week's character building and the two had a great dynamic and then all of a sudden it like "actually fuck all that, we'll just pointlessly kill of a great character and then take Sylar back to square one"! So it just seems like a complete waste of time. But on the other hand I did love Evol Season One Sylar and I do think he's one of the greatest villans ever so I guess there's good in that but I just didn't like the way they did it one ickle bit! :(
(ETA: Found
this entry which has a nice way of looking at that particular scene.)
But may I just say ,"Cake?"!!!! xD xD xD
Also I'm kinda pissed off that the about whole Sylar being a Petrelli not being true becuase I thought that was a great plot twist. And what I don't get is how did Arthur then know to say that he was his father if Angela had just made that up? :S
Then WTF was with the magical catalyst?!?! That whole storyline was a bit batshit and it all worked out waaaay too easily. Although I did love the scene between Hiro and his mother. :'(
And is it just me or does Claire get more annoying by the episode? Also what is it with characters named Claire and seriously bad wigs?!?!
Yeah, I'm just gonna shut up there because, well because I am! and I think I stopped making sense long ago! :P.