May 02, 2008 15:38
Oh God guys, the most terrifying thing happened. Kyra got out.
The fence between our garden and our neighbours garden was blewn down a while ago, you can get from their garden down the side of the house any into the street. Anyway my Mum was out in the garden with Kyra and when she came in she forgot and left her outside. I was upstairs at the time. After a while I came down and noticed Kyra wasn't in her bed, you can usually find her in one of three places - her bed in the living room, her bed in my room or my bed - I knew she hadn't been with me. My Mum was like "Oh crap, I left her outside", so we ran to check and she wasn't there.
Panic ensued. I swear I couldn't breath. I know some people think it's silly to get so attached to dogs but she's like my best friend and the feeling was just awful. We looked all over the garden and in next door's. The guy from next door helped us look, we checked down the row, in the field's, up the roads but couldn't find her.
Anyways my Mum started knocking on doors down the row to ask if she'd gotten into their garden's. I came from the lane near where we were to see if she found her but she just raised her hands from down the road, she hadn't. I was just about to turn and look back the other way when my Mum screams "ASHLEIGH!" and there's Kyra crossing the road to me and there's a car coming down the road. Lucky I got to her first. Thank God.
So I took her straight home and I wouldn't let her go, I'm crying my eyes out and she's just looking at me like I'm crazy. She's one lucky doggy. And we're lucky she actually made it across the road in the first place without getting hurt.
She's ok now, laid snoring at the side of me, typical. She's had me all worried but couldn't care less. I just don't know what I would have done if anything had happened to her. :(
Anyways I'll be back on here later to catch up with you guys, I'm still a little shaken.