Feb 12, 2008 17:51
OMGWTF?!?!?! A Tuesday is actually going well for me! :S
Firstly I actually 'woke up' when I woke up. So I was able to catch the train without being in a rush! YAY! :)
When I got on the train I picked teh most Awesome playlist EVER! (I'll have to upload some feel good songs for you guys to get you through sucky Tuesdays or whatever days! They help they really do.) So that put me in a good mood! :D
hehe, on the way up to Uni from the Train I saw a JDM poster up at a Bus Stop, that made me smile, not quite as but as when they had his Boys up on a phonebox but YAY for Papa Winchester! ;) Anyways my one seminar went well and there was nothing too taxing about it! ;)
I went to the Uni Library and got some books to help with my essay. I think they must be doing the trick because I feel it's doable now! YAY!
Before heading back for the train I treated myself to some new nailvarnish! :D Can't wait to but some on!
And as for the train back ZOMG! it was literally just pulling in as I got to the platform! YAY! The way my Tuesday Luck usually goes I thought I would have missed it for sure! But I didn't and didn't need to wait for the next one! YAY! :D
Even the bus ride home was pretty amusing. As Dean is always telling me (it's my text alert on my phone, hehe ): "Demons I get, people are crazy!" ;) Seriously, I think all old people are just mad LOL! OMG and there was this one woman sat in front of me trying to eat a sandwhich without getting noticed. I was trying hard not to laugh watching her sneak peices into her mouth and looking around to check if anyone noticed! XD
Oooooh and the sun was out today! YAY Sunshine! :)
The only slight hitch to my day was that my internet was off when I came home! *le sigh* I called Orange and they think I need another new ADSL cable, which they're sending out in the post. I fiddled around with it for a little while but then got some time in with my essay so it was probably good I had no internet distractions. And by some miracle I just checked and it's working, I must have done something it liked earlier! ;) Although I probably shouldn't rejoice too soon because if it's a cable issue it'll no doubt be up to its tricks again soon.
*Huggles You All*
stupid damn internet,