Oct 23, 2006 23:51
*Deep thinking for the month*
Life is Variables.
thats all there is to it, Cause and Effect.
if a man chooses to go left intead of right and kills himself in a car accident, how would his accident effect the world we live in, if i choose to run to work tomorro, could that have an impact on the enviroment we live in, after all. it was the straw that broke the cammels back after all.
dont take anything for granted, tell your friends you got thier back, tell your parents you still care and ALWAYS tell your partner you love them. or else you may wake up one day with no one at your back, no family to call on and your partner in the arms of another, Cause and Effect people, your decisions will change the world, but will the world change your decisions.
So, To all my Friends, you got my number and im always here for you.
My parents dont read this but they get the Gist,
And to my Dearest Janevieve, I Love You.