(no subject)

Sep 21, 2008 12:49

So I have to be out the door from my house at around 3pm in order to make it to Jeremy's house as soon as possible to try and make it down to Boca Raton, Florida through rush hour traffic. I packed everything I needed including extra Hookah supplies because I know Patrick was going to be bringing along his for the beach after the rave like we did last time in Boca.
It didn't take me too long to get to Jeremy's house over by UCF, and thankfully most of the people coming with us were already ready and waiting to pack up the car when I arrived. At about 4pm Myself, Westley, Sandy, and Doeg all piled into Jeremy's car after trying to throw our stuff in the trunk that only closed via a bungee cord which made for one interesting trip haha. The whole way down we'd be all laughing and cracking jokes and getting crazy when BAM! "OMG! WHAT WAS THAT??? WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CAR!?" "...oh wait, the trunk opened and slammed shut when he hit that bump..." hehe.
As much of a fuss we made about traffic jams we arrived there in about 3 hours....which is normal driving time. We could have left much much later it seemed. So from 7pm to 9pm we basically walked around the shopping area where the rave was located. Ironically, right next to this rave venue was a Party City store to buy glowsticks and random raver toys in haha. So we spent alot of time screwing around in there, ate some food, and started changing into raver clothes just before the doors were projected to open. I realized I forgot my shoes in my car up in Orlando, so I had to deal with socks and flip-flops the whole night which was surprisingly easy enough to keep them on my feet thanks to the socks.
Now I've been to this exact location just a month ago for Masquerave 2, but I was late last time getting there so I don't know how this production company worked as far as opening doors. We were right on the button-9pm...so were a whole crapload of people. Ravers started piling up at the front entrance of the bank (Yes, this rave is held inside a bank haha) with every minute past 9 this place stayed closed. Quite a few kids were getting impatient, and started glowsticking and swinging poi out in the parking lot to people playing their cell phones as loud as they'd go. This gave us a little opportunity to reunite with the rest of our ravers from Orlando-Jessie, Marc, and Patrick who went down to Boca the night before-as well as some of the Boca Raton raver kids we met at the last rave here.
The doors finally opened at 9:45pm when the promoters realized they just couldn't fit all their blacklights into the place like they wanted to. It was still a nice setup. The DJ booth had moved to the high platform where the lighting effect dude was last rave but other than that it looked like a direct carbon copy of Masquerave 2. I liked that actually, because Masquerave 2 was tons of fun and I was ready to bounce the night away! There were still plenty of blacklights so majority of your clothes and things illuminated the whole place but they put a few other lights on when they should have left them off for the "True blacklight experience" they advertised on their flyer.
Obviously a little thing like that wasn't going to stop everyone from having fun, and almost immediately after entering tons of people crowded the main floor and started having a blast to the opening DJ who dropped some Electro House.
I danced with friends most of the night and as usual met more strangers. Also, Chris the Pirate was there, so I shared a little Hookah with a bunch of people but didn't stay over there too long because all that fast paced dance music gets me too energetic to just sit around. The whole night was HARD SOMETHING! Hard Trance, Hardstyle, and Happy Hardcore! One point someone came right in the middle and played Melodic Trance, which was slow enough to kill my energy for an hour and rest my feet (which were starting to cramp up from all the bouncing and scrunching my feet to keep the flip flops on) in a big cuddle puddle back in the lounge area. The cuddle puddle was literally all but like 3 of the Orlando kids and a few of our Boca Raton friends that kept bouncing in and out of it. It's always a fantastic feeling to have such a big crew come together like that in the middle of the rave after being spread all over the place.
I got alot of attention thanks to my BPM shirt I made and the Kandi chain wallet I decided to wear this time because south Florida ravers still thankfully rock the kandi. I'm so glad to see ravers in Florida wearing kandi again, it brings me back to my childhood out here when I was a silly kandi kid (haha I still am depending on what city I go to but hardly ever here in Florida) and I love that despite the breakbeat scene altering into something tough sounding this area changed their genre to keep the next generation of kandi kids alive and bouncing! I also got alot of attention for the pants I made, which reminds me minus the hat I made everything I was wearing that night haha! Anyway that attention helped me become friends with many MANY more Boca Raton ravers including one who tried teaching me pop-n-lock (operative word being "Tried" haha I suck) so the next time I come down to any South Florida rave I'm sure to have a nice mini crew ready to dance the night away!
Not too much was different about this rave than Masquerave 2. I mean, it was the same venue, same production company, and same "Am I in California or in Florida?" vibe to the whole thing. Don't take that as an insult, I absolutely loved this party and danced harder than I have in...well, a month since the LAST Hardstyle party this place threw! People including myself were bouncing around everywhere! Some even spinning all over the dance floor as they did! There was just nothing too crazy big about this rave, so sadly nothing to really write about. Other than I taught little Jessie how to do basic liquid dancing! Hooray!
The night ended with Chris the Pirate dropping SICK ass Happy Hardcore and I sung every song as loud as I could, which made me lose my voice well into the next day. We gathered a handful of ravers from the place as it let out at 4am and had them all follow us to a lovely spot on one of Boca Raton's many beaches to smoke hookah and watch the sunrise much like what we did the time before that. I love keeping this tradition alive, because the most euphoric feeling ever is feeling the wind in your hair, the warmth from the day's new sun on your skin, and the sounds of the ocean calming you down from one amazing night of excitement. I practiced a little more spinning with Jeremy once the sun finally rose above the horizon, but before that I have a little funny story. Everytime I lit a Hookah Coal, I noticed the embers were being carried by the wind right onto the backs of a few ravers laying on the blanket, so I'd move to light the coal every time and everything was ok. Patrick would light the coal right there and not block it at all from the wind, showering people with embers and making them all scream in anger at him haha. When we established that only I would light the coal...I asked him to knock off the dust after the outside of the coal burned away. Now when I asked him to knock off the dust, I and everyone else that owns a Hookah in our group usually just pick up the coal and slam it onto the coal tray, then put the hot core back onto the hookah and resume smoking....Patrick freakin started SCRATCHING THE DUST OFF THE COAL! Which naturally made a buttload of embers shower AGAIN on everyone laying down haha. He was officially banned from having the Hookah near the blanket ever again and we had to move the Hookah far away from the area after.
As the sun defeated the clouds blocking it's rays from the soft sand people started disappearing until only our two Orlando groups remained. Regular day-to-day beachgoers started to fill the beach up and look at us unusually as if they had never seen ravers before. The sun started to cook immediately after beating past the clouds, and so we finally packed up and headed home at about 9:30am Saturday morning.
The car ride home was actually a good one. My most hated thing is when people fall asleep the whole way back and Jeremy actually stayed up out of all of them for the entire car ride to chat with me while I drove back his car. We were pretty tired from the whole ordeal, so as soon as we got back to his house I loaded up my car and shot back to my house fast and fell asleep, super satisfied and super happy that I had such a great night with even greater pictures.
This was rave #99 for me, and by all means it was definitely one fantastic rave. Although a direct copy of the rave previous that I went to in this exact venue, change isn't always a good thing, and I'm glad they stuck with what worked the last time to keep the vibe alive and full of energy. I danced so hard that night I had leg and feet cramps all the next day, which although painful always brings a smile to my face because it reminds me what a banging good party I just experienced. I'm so happy there is a production company out here in Florida that goes above and beyond the "unwritten rule" of Florida's "only breaks and electro house" trend it's had for decades, and the energy generated from that rave shows that everyone loves a little change now and again. What a great scene this turned out to be!


Sexually suggestive gas station items on the way down to Boca

The sun setting for a lovely Friday night

The path to the bank...where the rave is inside

Lil Jessie and Sandy all ready to rock!

Brought my pants!

Doeg and Patrick!

Marc and Jessie in love!

Me being awesome lol

Jeremy and Sandy

Me, Doeg, and Westley

Me with Chris the Pirate! (I've been seeing him at raves alot since Cake Is A Lie)

WAAAY too much metal for one hand!


The best cuddle puddle ever. It contains most of my Orlando crew that came down plus a few of Boca Raton's crew that we met at the rave before this. This is such a great pic.

This guy was teachin me how to pop-n-lock haha

Katie Ninja Star! With Lil Jessie

Chris the Pirate spinning Happy Hardcore to close out the night

Ah as usual we relax on one of Boca Raton's beaches smoking hookah and watching the sun rise.

It's now a lovely Saturday morning and time to finally head home.

1. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6821785650794414675
2. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5671460738702613784
3. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4146472650360633917
4. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5746391907783955210
5. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3266461897497590942
6. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1916927314363576718
7. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3108067135963621427
8. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7630904416067661222
9. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1952202739660216570
10. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=9080323935706649462
11. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8771214649630400274
12. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3540183326752205652
13. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3603803846332829330
14. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5155025937218759376
15. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8675832358990447424
16. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8924488289229924323
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