NEW icon tutorial. Maggie Grace.

Nov 01, 2005 18:36

So, we're gonna learn how to make this icon  
  from this base 

I took a picture of Maggie Grace from, cropped it and moved it around etc...and got this:

1. Duplicate your base once and set the duplicated later on screen, opacity 100%. Duplicate that duplicated layer and set it on Overlay (or Hard Light) opacity 100%.

Merge all.

2. So now, Maggie’s face looks a bit too bright so we’re gonna erase softly the duplicated layer (the one set on screen) around Maggie’s face. Then, I used the texture below from uglypricetag and set it on Overlay 100%.

Erase all around Maggie’s face and body and you should get this:


3. Use this other texture from wash_when_dirty and set it on Multiply, opacity 100%. Erase only over Maggie’s body this time so it doesn’t look too pink.


4. Finally, use this gradient found on and set it on Overlay 90%. Use a brush you like or write text and Voila, you're done!


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