Guess What??? KOTOR!!

Aug 27, 2008 13:39

So I finished Sith Lords two nights ago (and then started another file. How much of a loser am I? Seriously, tell me. I can take it.) It wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. I got done the final boss in like, 7 minutes. Haha and Alex was pissed. I laughed at him. So yeah, I'm playing it again, and it's a lot easier now that I know what I ( Read more... )

tv, gossip girl, star wars: kotor

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ethe_real_ity September 4 2008, 16:52:31 UTC
If you're a loser, I'm a loser. I've played certain games more than once, too. :3

I actually picked up the first KOTOR the other day, but ARGH I must majorly suck or something. I'm in the Sith base in Manaan trying to fight the Dark Jedi Master or whatever and the two Selkath Apprentices...I can kill the Selkath easy enough if the Dark Jedi isn't anywhere near...but the Dark Jedi himself...yeah, I'm screwed. I'll eventually get it, but, ugh, games suck sometimes. I think I just need to have my full party still alive by the time the two Selkath are dead...don't have much of a chance with just one person. o_O

And yeah, unfortunately, a lot of games are like that where the final bosses are ridiculously easy. Never really understood why, unless people just get lazy.

I'm not really sad, either, now that I have just a basic account. :)


lostacanthus September 4 2008, 18:13:21 UTC
No, that part is just really reeaaally hard if you go to Manaan first. That's what I did the first time around, and I had to get my brother to beat that part. It took him FOUR HOURS. It was ridiculous. When I went in the first time, I took Bastila and Juhani with me, and they were like, no help. Alex had to leave the base and do the whole trial thing so he could change characters (he swiped out Juhani for Canderous). Then he went back in and it still didn't work, so he basically just ran away from the guy until he stopped chasing him, stood around to fill up his health, attacked him once or twice, ran away again, etc. It was very tedious. :(


ethe_real_ity September 4 2008, 19:58:22 UTC
Wow...hmmm...I wonder if you were meant to bounce back and forth between planets, then? Because although many guides suggest going to Kashyyyk first, one of my friends suggested Manaan because apparently Kashyyyk also has a super hard boss.

For now, I think I'll just keep trying, and if that doesn't work, then I'll just explore another planet for a while and then come back. Or something.

But daaang, your brother is dedicated. I think the longest boss fight I ever had was about 3 hours.

You have a PS2, right? I think? Or just the Xbox? Because I may have a game to suggest...


lostacanthus September 4 2008, 20:14:20 UTC
Maybe? Yeah, the second time I played I went to Kashyyyk first. I went there last in the first game, but it was still so easy! So I was like 'Definitely going there first next time!' And you get Jolee who is awesome.

Haha I know right? It was like, one in the morning and I was like, WAKE UP AND BEAT THIS FOR ME and he did lol Then we watched the sun rise and he went fishing XD It was craazy!

We had a PS2 but he broke it...Ugh. So now we just have Xbox.


ethe_real_ity September 4 2008, 20:28:20 UTC
*hahaha* I could never do that. I would hate myself for making someone else do it for me. I still kind of kick myself in the ass for changing the difficulty level to beginner for the final boss of Silent Hill 3...BUT DAMN WAS IT HARD!!!

Aww, dang, now you have to miss out on the awesomeness that is Final Fantasy...and a ton of other games. :(

Oh, well, there are still a few games with good storylines that I can recommend for the Xbox:

Indigo Prophecy - short game and the ending sucks, BUT it has some of the most developed characters and best voice acting I've ever seen in a game. And I like the music, too. :) It's kind of like a "choose your own adventure" book...only in game form.

Dreamfall: The Longest Journey - engaging storyline and good characters...only downfall is that the combat sucks (at least you don't do a lot of it) and the ending is a huge cliffhanger, but I got fairly attached to it.

Metal Gear Solid 2 - OMG I LOVE THIS SERIES! #2 is the only one that's also on the Xbox, but you don't necessarily have to play them ... )


lostacanthus September 4 2008, 20:45:41 UTC
Haha, yeah, I felt kind of bad about it but the second time I played I had NO HELP AT ALL. And I didn't need help at all with the second one. Yay me! lol
OMG The PC version of KotOR is HARD AS HELL! I've already died like, 20 times and I've barely started my first planet. And er, yeah, Alex helped once. But you know when you have to shoot down the fighters on the Ebon Hawk? It is a million times harder trying to control your target without an actual controller! D:

Ugh, yeah, I know. I've played FF a couple times, and I really liked it. And it's so pretty! *g*

Haha Indigo Prophecy is only 10 bucks! haha awesome. They all sound really awesome!


ethe_real_ity September 4 2008, 20:53:22 UTC
Well, I'm guessing PS2s are pretty cheap these days, especially a refurbished one...maybe around $100.

I might suggest actually going in to Gamestop, EB Games, etc., to see if they have any of these games used. Might find them for even cheaper, and you wouldn't have to pay shipping. :)

AND OMG I HATED THAT PART OF KOTOR! I couldn't even figure out what to do for the first half of it. :(

I agree...honestly, the only reason why I bought FFX (and a PS2) was because of the graphics. *haha*


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