Aug 06, 2008 02:58

Finally finished Breaking Dawn!

(And maybe unintentional City of Bones spoilers too?)

•I was really hoping the "spoilers" were fake ones, but I was sadly mistaken. :( Wedding? UGH. BABY? WHAT THE FUUUUCK.

•What was with Bella and the sex? Seriously?

•And when they were on the island, did they go out during the day at all?? I'm confused. Because there should've been some dazzle.

•Also, I'm just really tired of Bella describing herself (when she finally DOES look at herself). Like she's omg so beautiful and then is totally shocked. Plz have some self esteem once in awhile. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY.

•Um, what else. OH. Renee telling Bella she is mature and responsible. HA. RIGHT.

•Everytime Edward calls Bella "love", I kind of cringe a little. Mainly because I can only hear it coming from Jack Sparrow, and it totally throws me off.

•Bella looking at Carlisle=Staring into the sun. LOL. I immediately thought of Supernatural XD
Starla: My God, you are attractive!
Dean: Thanks. But no time for that now. You need to tell me about this urban legend. Please? Lives are at stake.
Starla: Sorry, I can't even concentrate. It's like staring into the sun.


•WTF. I would've preferred Bella to be freaking out and wanting freaking blood as a newborn. Not being all calm and reasonable. Where's the bloodlust? Where's the crazy? That would've been much more interesting than pages of her describing everyone.

•Jacob imprinting on Renesmee (don't even get me started on the name "Renesmee". Though I did like Edward Jacob). I seriously thought this was a joke.

•I hate classifying characters as Mary Sues but I can't not say Bella is one.

•Come on! She was like, the ONLY NEWBORN EVER to not immediately freak out and thirst for blood, and she's handling things SOOOOO WELL like they've never seen before. Please. I am over her and how speshul she is. :|

•Bad Photoshopping time! When Bella and Edward were hunting, and she was really messy and Edward was spotless (and perfect) and I could tell she was going to start comparing them and talking about how flawless and great he was, this is what popped into my head:

lol idk.
It obviously was a lot funnier in my head.

•Jacob keeps changing his mind. It's frustrating. I liked him when he hated Vampires. :| Either way though, he is kind of a whiny bitch. SUCK IT UP. Bitch.

•OH GOD. And how Bella just lit up every time Jacob walked in the room. PLEASE. PLEASE STOP. SO ANNOYING.

•There is so much teeth grinding! What does that even mean?? I don't think I've ever done that.

•LOL DAZZLE. I'm a little disappointed she only used it like, what? Three times? (Haha, yeah, I sort of counted.) Bella was going to be dazzling as a vampire (1), and then something about Edward and Renesmee dazzling/being dazzled (2 and 3)?? IDK, but I think that was it.

•Pretty much everything Emmett said was hilarious. I think I love him.

•I think I don't like Jacob anymore D: It's like he's lost his edge or something. I mean, I'm just, I'm so sad :( I miss Old Jacob.

•LOVED Seth and Leah though.

•The ending was...unsatisfying. As was...the entire book. I mean, it was all this blah blah (something something something dark side something) boring mundane crap and nothing really that interesting or exciting happened. And then I expected some fierce ass battle and...nothing. It was disappointing. Ehhh. This is it, right? Because if I have to read about Bella and Edward again, I will die of boredom. I don't even know how to express how completely and utterly bored I am with everything. :(

•It was better than City of Bones, though. I'll give it that. I've been finding that a lot of other books I've been reading are sort of lacking in a way that Twilight (the series) isn't. At least there is some rising action, a climax, and a form of conclusion. With City of Bones it was like "Oops he got away. Oh well, we'll just leave this to the Clave, which is what we were supposed to be doing in the first place. Now lets make out even though we're related and we know this." I'm like 'WHERE WAS THE BIG FIGHT?!'

In Conclusion, but not really having anything to do with what I thought of the book:

Anyway, I am still rly excited for the movie because OMG RPATTZ! ;lksajd;ljksdjfa I'm not even going to lie. I want to see the movie SO BAD. And I admit, thinking of him as Edward made BD a little more bearable. ♥

ALSO LOL I really want to read a Harry Potter crossover where Cedric died and was turned into a vampire (Edward) just for the lulz. There HAS TO BE ONE out there somewhere! Right? HAHAHA OMG I WILL NOT STOP LAUGHING.

edit I kinda feel the need to say that I don't hate Twilight, and I don't understand why everyone has to be so freaking bitter and angry and aggressive about Breaking Dawn and Twilight in general. I'm just kind of annoyed at all the hate. What is wrong with enjoying something? It's just a book. I suppose that's what I get for taking ontd too seriously? But everyone is just "I'm returning it because it's shit!! Everyone who likes Twilight has got shit for brains!" Ugh, I'm just, ugh. I'm getting a migraine. :(

Non-book news:
While I wasn't reading Breaking Dawn (my mind wandered. a lot.) my brother got me playing Knights of the Old Republic, which is pretty awesome. Haha I named my persona Padamame. I was real close to naming her Panda Bear, but that's just a little too ridiculous. (BTW, I really want her to have babies with Carth. Like now.) And I still haven't finished Windwaker yet. I'm slowly losing interest. ADD, I swear.

GOOD NEWS. Disc one of Robin Hood S2 from Netflix tomorrow! OMFG I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED!!

BAD NEWS. I missed the last episode of Doctor Who because I was too busy playing Windwaker!! THIS WILL HAVE TO BE REMEDIED SOON.

I also have a goldfish emergency! I was a bad owner and the tank got all icky and I was lazy and reading Breaking Dawn and playing video games and now I think Gisborne is sick.


books, this is my clever twilight tag, star wars: kotor

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