I love icon memes!
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick four/five of your userpics.
2. Make a post and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee.
These five were picked by
thereisnosp00n 1.
LMAO THIS IS SRSLY THE BEST THING EVER. At some point in Twilight Edward asked Bella "Do I Dazzle You?" and Robert Pattinson=Edward Cullen. (RPattz Dazzles me frequently, lololol ♥♥) ILU SO MUCH FOR MAKING THIS
I use this one for Twilight related things, and also when I'm feeling ~*~*~Dazzling~*~*~
Haha, this was from comment on a
pottersues entry where (omg it hurts to type this lol! It's so bad!) (I can't do it!) (AUGH) VOLDEMORT HAS A DAUGHTER NAMED ASHLEY AND THEY'RE GOING TO BARBADOS ON A FAMILY VACATION WITH THE MALFOYS. LOL!! It's so bad it hurts but is also v. funny all at the same time. Here's
the fic, and
the thread that was responsible for the icon. LOL.
Like, two/three/noitwastwo years ago I was part of this
BSB Fanfic Board (which is all deserted and spammy and sad now) with
ethe_real_ity. OMG THERE WERE SOME GOOD TIMES DDD: Aww, I'm all sad now, man :( Seriously, we were on something. One random conversation,
ethe_real_ity and I decided we needed Ninja names. Mine was Toyota and hers was Mitsubishi and of course Nick Carter needed one too, so...he is Isuzu. And then I drew a little picture to go with it. Yes, that is Nick Carter dressed as a ninja. It's from this time period that I drew such classic "illustrations" as
Nick Carter Hitting on (wax) Paris Hilton and
Nick Carter Farting in a Bathtub and
Nick Carters Face on a Girls Body. Yeah.
The Emperors New Groove is one of the best new Disney movies EVER! This is when Yzma was trying to figure out how to get rid of Kuzco...or...something. Lulz. Yzma is CRAZY. CRAZY AWESOME.
HAHA I LOVE GHOST HUNTERS OMG! TAPS = The Atlantic Paranormal Society. That's Jason Hawes. Basically what they do is go around and try and disprove hauntings (where as most shows try and fake it to make places look haunted). They take in equipment and everything, and at the end they have to review it. Nine times out of ten, they think they find an orb and its "JUST DUST" LOLOL omg this icon makes me giggle. Hee.