(no subject)

Mar 17, 2008 02:43

1. Friday night, dreamsdiehere and I saw The King and I at her high school and it was...not very great. I was like, that really annoying bitch who talks through the whole thing. It was pretty bad though. I wish someone had uploaded videos to youtube or something, so I could give you examples. It was like sitting through a really really bad American Idol audition. :/

2. I finally got all of my stuff moved into my moms place. I have to share a room with her, but it's not that bad. We're going to put screens up or something to divide it up. It was originally two rooms anyway, they just knocked the center wall down. This is how my half of the room looks now lol. (Why yes, those are Hot Wheels sheets and Sesame Street blankets -_-) The only big thing that bothers me is the dial-up. It's going to kill me! It took 40 MINUTES to download a 5mb file. I thought I was going to DIE. DIIIEEEEE. :C

3. My brother is trying to teach me how to play the guitar, which is pretty exciting lol. I can play the first note of "Wild Thing"!! YESS! haha. I want to be able to play "Steer" by Missy Higgins and "Where We Went Wrong" by the Hush Sound. And maybe some Jason Mraz stuff. That's my goal! I think I want to buy a really cheap acoustic guitar or something. My brother has two electric ones, but I don't really like the way they sound.

4. We went to Best Buy to look at cameras tonight, but there was this really bitchy woman there looking at the cameras and she was in my way and she was just being a bitch so I didn't really get to do any playing around. She just put me in a bad mood :/ I think I'm going to get the Canon Digital Rebel XTi. Maybe. All the reviews I've read have said really good things. I'm just so nervous about spending so much money!! D: Although I don't really have to worry about paying for driving school now, because I had 300 dollars saved up that I forgot about! So I figured the money that I'm not spending from my tax money could go towards a camera. I'm still freaking out about it though.

OMFG it is so cold! And I really need to go to bed. I didn't wake up until 3 this afternoon! I need to reset my sleep pattern or whatever :(
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