Fic Recs!

Feb 12, 2008 15:32

So I signed up for this fic reading challenge, to read all the fics on my flist in a day. I picked February 3rd, and even though things weren't really busy fic-wise that day (which is weird, because there's usually a million fics from supernaturalfic ), It's still taken me over a week to compile a list of recs.

Which this is. some?


A STONE NOT RETURNED by altyronsmaker
Rating: PG
Pairing: Sam&Dean
Spoilers: yeah. BIG Spoilers! For Malleus Mallificarum
Summary: a tag to Malleus Mallificarum. Demons lie. Sam knows this, thinks Dean should too.
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Eric Kripke and Kripke Interprises, and the CW, I think.

Except for the bit at the end with all the hugging that seemed a little unlikely, this was a really sad but nice post-3x09 moment between the boys.


PINNED by razorbladecrime
Rated: G
Characters: Dean/OFC
Word count: 100



HARD BARGAIN by scribblesinink
Title: Hard Bargain
Rating: General (PG13'ish)
Characters: Dean, Sam, John
Spoilers: 2.01 In My Time Of Dying, 2.22 All Hell Breaks Loose 2, 3.09 Malleus Maleficarum
Word count: 3,100
Summary: When Dean sold his soul to the Crossroads Demon in exchange for Sam’s life, he was prepared to pay the price - until he discovered there might be some unexpected small print he didn't know about.

DEAN D: *wibble*

Doctor Who

Summary: 'This is nicer than that last prison cell.'
'Well yes,' said Rose, grinning at him in a way that made him blush. 'But nobody tells me when to have sex. I'm stubborn like that, you know.'
Rating: R for the concepts, probably more like PG-13 for the execution
Word Count: ~3,300
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose, Jack

LOL! This was so great and funny and well written!


Show/Ship: Doctor Who. Doctor/Rose post Runaway Bride
Genre: Drama, dark
Rating: PG13 for scenes of a violent nature
Disclaimer: If I owned them this would be canon-- think on that.
Summary: Regenration takes the pieces of you and turns them into something else. But what if a part of you didn't want to leave. What if your old self didn't agree with what you were doing? What if the animal within got out?

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9 (Prologue is the title link)

Ok, I'm not going to lie and say I've read all of this, but I wanted to get this list posted and the chapters are long! But so far, it's like, really really interesting. In a good way.


GUARDIANS by wendymr
Characters: Rose Tyler, Jack Harkness, Tenth Doctor
Rated: PG
Disclaimer: They're not mine, no; did you really think they were?
Summary: No, her past’s got nothing to do with why she’s on her way to Cardiff, in the cabin of a Torchwood private plane, the mysterious file and an overnight bag with her.

Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 (Part One is the title link)

OMG This was so good and the ending was happy and sad and totally not what I expected which was really a good thing, because how I thought it was going to end would've been so typical, but I think Rose actually made the right choice and other things I can't say because I will totally spoil it for you! It was so good I went back and read the prequel, Protector. And good news! IT'S A TRILOGY!! :D


PAST by freaking_gob
Rating: PG
Fandom: Movies
Character: Juno MacGuff

I sorta loved this movie, and this letter is so great! It really feels like something Juno would actually write.

Sometimes I switch to Rich text when I need to format a lot of things (for example, when I want to bold a lot of stuff) because I'm lazy, and sometimes it works, but sometimes IT FUCKS UP MY FUCKING HTML. And that just pisses me off.

Just had to get that out.

Edit: D: OH GOD Now it goes to Rich Text automatically when I hit post!! HOW CAN I GET IT TO STOP??

(Clearly, I am making a big deal out of nothing, but seriously, if you know how, tell me plz.)

doctor who, fic recs, supernatural

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