Mustard? Bitch, I am Ketchup!

Jul 25, 2006 00:07

I love the Juggernaut Bitch SO much :)

Today was the best day I've had at work in like, a week. (I have a feeling I'm gonna be talking about work a lot more than I want to...) It hit me around 8. I was like, "Well, damn! It's been quiet today!" And then I realized that... Josh wasn't there! >D Bwhaha! I hate him.

Seriously. There have been numerous times I've considered offing him right in the middle of the store. Right before X3 came out I wished I was Wolverine, and I could just pop my claws and then--BAM! Death! >D I had the whole thing planned out. The only problem was...the claw thing. Obviously. And also, I'm not a really hairy, feral man so...yeah. ^_^;

Ok, me and this dude at work were semi-arguing the other day about Wolverine's height. We were talking about the movie, and I mentioned something about how Wolverine was supposed to be short, but he was like 'No, Wolverine's tall, he just hunches." But...I don't believe him. And he was like "Just look at any picture and you can see he hunches!" But I still think he's just plain short. I mean, I saw this thing (or read it, who knows) and they were saying how Hugh Jackman was taller than James Marsden, but Wolverine is shorter than Cyclops so they had to put Jimmy on these stilt things or put risers in his shoes...I don't remember. But that's not the point! The point is, that Hugh Jackman was taller than Wolverine was supposed to be.

Therefore, I say I win. I don't give a damn if he hunches. He's short. Er. Than Scott. Yeah. So...does anyone know the real answer? I would love to hear that I'm right. But if I'm not, I suppose that's cool...maybe.

I love filling the soda machine at work. Is that weird? It's so indescribably easy, I love it. And it wastes time. And it's easy as peas. (That + No Josh and his mommydaddy at work today was really REALLY awesome. Really.)

I swear I work with morons. Well, technically I don't work WITH them, but we're all employed by the same people, so does it really matter? Some moron put toothpaste in the candy aisle and didn't price it. Outrageous? Why, yes! ...Ok, so I'm not as pissed now as I was then but, that really pissed me off. I went on for like, 15 minutes about how these morons couldn't tell the difference between toothpaste and candy. It's not that difficult. It says 'TOOTHPASTE' on the box! I just don't get it.

And I don't get customers either. I mean, I'm standing there with the soda case doors open, a cart full of sodas, and some guy has the nerve to ask me if I can check him out (at the register! That would be weird if he meant like, check him out. O_o Oh my.) Uh, bitch? Does it look like I can?

But I say yes. Because I mean, technically I can. I don't WANT to, but I CAN. There's a difference. Sometimes I have trouble lying, and I don't get it. It would've been so easy to just fucking say no. But instead I got pissed and started ringing him (actually, he walked off and his wife put all the stuff up. but anyway! is that really important? no.) up, and then some other lady jumps in my line. Hello? Do I have my light on? NO! Do you see the freaking soda case open? No? WELL YOU SHOULD! People are so dense. And I hate them. Do people not know how to use their eyes? We have our stupid lights for a reason, asshole! Gah! Now I'm getting really pissed.

So anyway. Moving away from work. It makes me hostile. figures that as soon as we un-get cable, I become completely bored and want TV. But we still get the basics of course, which I'm totally ok with. As long as I get Traveler and Lost, I think I'll survive. :D

And...yeah. I'm getting bored. So...I'm out.

stupid people, work, wolverine

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