
Dec 18, 2011 01:53

WELP. I picked up Uncharted 3 from redbox and banged it out in a day. I started on hard which, I guess for normal people like ethe-real-ity it is super easy but OH MY GOD. I wanted to kill myself so I ended up bumping it down to normal. (And then easy. And then very easy. I JUST COULDN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE. I was tired of shooting people, I just wanted PLOT ( Read more... )


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lostacanthus December 19 2011, 03:06:18 UTC
Lol yeah, maybe. And it's been a few months since I've played, which probably had something to do with it.

Yeah, I mean, honestly I don't think it's true (that he's a descendant). It's just kind of farfetched. I guess what I'm really left wondering isn't if he is or he isn't for real, but what Nate believes to be true. Either way, it's a little heartbreaking. Especially when Young Nate and Sully were in the bar (? restaurant?) and Sully said something about Francis Drake never having any kids and Nate was like "that we know about" or whatever, that FD had kids with mistresses, etc. It's a logical enough assumption to make, especially for a kid who was into history and who was kind of a dreamer. There could be who knows how many descendants of FD out there, who's to say he isn't one? There's not enough evidence to prove him wrong, so there's this sliver of possibility. Idk, it's just kind of sad, which just makes me love him even more x) /rambling

It almost seems like they had some elaborate backstory planned but ran out of time or resources to finish it.

That video helps! I really need to go watch the walkthroughs of the first game though. Because I guess I just feel like their relationship is lacking something, and that something would probably be EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED IN THE FIRST GAME XD


ethe_real_ity December 19 2011, 22:51:57 UTC
I could totally see that. It makes me wonder, too, how much Elena actually knows about his past. Based on her interaction with Nate in U3, I'm guessing she still doesn't fully understand what exactly drives Nate into these situations. Or maybe she does and got tired of waiting for Nate to figure it out for himself.

Another part that made me really sad was when Sully was going on about how he's not as young as he used to be and Nate immediately waves it off, like he almost thinks Sully is invincible or something and never questions that Sully will be there for him. It's like he was never able to grow out of that mindset he had as a kid. :/

I honestly don't think that the first Uncharted is really going to have any new or revelatory information about Nate/Elena; it just more or less shows how they met. But it's still fun/cute to watch. There's this one part where Nate's stuck in a jail cell, and, well, I won't give it away, but that was kind of the moment that made me love Elena so hard. They just work so well as a team in those kind of situations, and unlike the typical damsel in distress types, Elena saves Nate's butt just as much as he does hers. You could say the same stuff about Chloe, too, but I think in the first game, ND does an awesome job of establishing Elena as her own person rather than just someone who's there to develop Nate's character. She really can handle her own.


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