
Nov 20, 2011 03:28

Okay, so... finally finished up the main plot of Revelations. I have feelings. ( Mixed feelings. (Spoilers.) )

assassin's creed

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farstriding January 20 2012, 02:46:25 UTC
I... just had a long comment detailing how sorry I am for replying to your comment so late. I'LL TRY TO REMEMBER WHAT I WROTE. I'M SORRY FOR THAT TOO. T_T

I'm so, SO sorry for replying to this so late. Yes, it was entirely my fault. I got so wrapped up in my finals last semester and took classes over my break (yes, I have NO LIFE) and started my new semester early.

It was... much more eloquent than that. 8/

I FINALLY FINISHED THE GAME. And I was waiting for the moment where Yusef died. I thought, HEY, I'M IN THE BIOWARE MENTALITY. MAYBE I CAN SAVE HIM! So, imagine my horror when I drop by Sofia's place and find him... you know. ;_; I was pretty distraught over that, as well as Sixteen ;_;, that I didn't really pay attention to any of this shady "Conduit business."

I like Desmond, don't get me wrong. But I really have a strange fondness for Ezio above Altair and Desmond. So... it's going to be weird if AC3 revolves solely around Desmond. I completely agree about Francisco Randez, btw. I typed him in on google because I'm relatively new to the series and don't know anything about the face models for the games and WHOAH. Blown away. I was wondering why the three looked so similar. /dumb

Please don't hate me... I-I play on PC. ;_; I've never played a 360, LOL. /loser I grew up playing PS2 games. *nervous*

Do you have tumblr? None of my RL friends even KNOW about AC so I'm trying to refrain from being a creeper (<---total creeper comment T_T) and just.. bubbling over with AC nonsense.

Which other games are you into? o_o

Again, I'm REALLY, REALLY sorry about replying to your comment SO. LATE.

Also. Your icon. :3


lostacanthus January 20 2012, 05:39:18 UTC
Don't worry about it! :) How are your classes going?

OMG IKR. At first I didn't even realize it was him and I was like, "why does Ezio care about a random dead gu-- ;____________; ohgod"

I like Desmond, don't get me wrong. But I really have a strange fondness for Ezio above Altair and Desmond.
Me too! I like Altair the least, actually. Mainly because I just can't get into the first game as much. I really think the reason a lot of people love Ezio (and I include myself in this) is because we get to see Ezio's whole life play out before our eyes, ya know? I feel like a mother sometimes, lol.

Did you watch Embers?

Haha why would I hate you? That's totally cool. :) I wish I had a PC I could game on, seriously. So many screencaps and gifs and videos. Oh lord. I'd go crazy. It'd be amazing.

I do! I'm lostacanthus on tumblr, but I haven't checked my dash in awhile. Too much stuff going on to get sucked into it, LOL.

Right now I've been playing a lot of Skyrim, but Mass Effect is my favorite series EVER. I am like, pants wettingly excited for ME3. I CAN'T WAIT OMG. I like Bioware and Bethesda games, haha. I like a lot of other stuff too, but I always end up going back to Mass Effect/Dragon Age/Fallout/Skyrim, lol.


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