late-night crazy person rambling

Sep 03, 2011 04:46

I honestly just... don't understand Jeff/Annie. I don't say that meaning to start anything, I just don't understand it (or the appeal). And I may joke around about it, but I'm not really sure I "ship" Jeff/Britta, but I do really, really love them, whether they're together or apart. I love them as friends, I love them as individuals, I love them as a couple. I don't know that I'd go so far as to say that they're actually "in love" with each other, at least, not in the typical, traditional sense. What they have is not a fairy tale, but I think the "love" between them is something fitting (and perfect) for both their characters.

So anyway... back to me not getting Jeff/Annie. First of all, I do find it kind of creepy. Gotta get that out of the way. It's kind of funny... in the episode where Jeff & Britta were trying to break up Annie and Vaughn (who I think she was better off with), Jeff mentioned something about Vaughn being a kind of gateway douchebag, and if Annie dates him she'll just keep dating douchebags, and he implied Starburns. But then cut to Starburns who motions to Jeff and says "That guy's a douchebag." DUN DUN DUN. Something clever I didn't catch until my most recent rewatch. And re:Vaughn, someone on tumblr said they liked Annie better with Vaughan because she was actually acting like an 18 year old and not Alison Brie and I have to agree. Don't get me wrong, I really like Alison Brie! But sometimes I feel like the line between her and Annie blurs a bit.


What is there between Jeff and Annie? I don't really see the sexual tension, because I'm just creeped out by it. I can't help it. There are all those ~meaningful "gravity" glances (lol) which don't mean much. And most of their 'interaction' seems to be random making out or showing how "good" Annie is compared to how "bad" Jeff is. I don't want to say she guilts Jeff into doing the right thing, it's more like she talks him into it, and sometimes (Basic Genealogy?) it's because he wants her too. (Which is an important part of their friendship, I think, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're ~perfect for each other~)

Does Annie make Jeff a better person? Yes, sometimes. Like I mentioned before about Basic Genealogy. But that was more of a mutual thing, imo. Some people think that's the selling point of their relationship: "Jeff is a douche, Annie will make him a better person." But why is that a good thing? This is a lot like the Hawke/Anders/Justice friend/rivalmance situation. Some people think rivalmancing is the way to go, because at least then Anders is fighting to regain a part of himself, even if it means he's constantly struggling against Justice and ends up losing more of himself in the process. (Imo, it's a bit less tragic and more humane to take the friendship route. Or at least, in my playthrough.) But it's still forcing someone to be something to fit your own beliefs. The rivalmance is pushy. Annie trying to "change" Jeff is pushy. And you know women always think they can change a guy but it never happens. So...idk. I just don't get it.

Okay, that was a bit tl;dr, but basically, I find that the interactions between Jeff and Annie are kind of hollow. They still don't really seem to know each other. I am just not buying it. I think there was more depth and emotion in the scene where Troy walked Annie to her apartment then all the Jeff/Annie scenes combined.

Jeff and Britta have far more going on: they have more in common, they actually hang out... from the very beginning they both know exactly who the other person is (well, okay, there was some lying in there at first, lol). But what I'm trying to get at is that they don't really have to hide who they are from each other. When they're together, they can both be their awesome, imperfect selves, and they're okay with that. And I'm okay with that. (And I think Britta "changes" Jeff more than Annie does anyway. ("Hot Blonde Spanish Class" became "Britta". Is Annie even in his phone? :P)) I guess basically what I'm trying to get at is that Jeff and Britta are kind of perfect for each other, even in a platonic way. Even if you take out the 'relationship' and the sex they're still so awesome and hilarious. Like, I can't see them ever getting married (to each other) for real, but I can see them growing old together, if that makes any sense. Like, they both definitely care for each other a lot, whether they want to admit it or not, and on more than just a surface level.

Okay! Respect! I think what I was trying to get at is that they're at this level where they both kind of respect each other? Guys I have no fucking clue. Did I mention I was tired?

Okay... I'm starting to lose my train of thought. I don't think any of this makes sense anyway... I know it's all over the place. I was going to just make this private because idek what the hell I'm saying but what the hell.

Anyway, I think the real point of this post was me wanting to say that I JUST FUCKING LOVE JEFF AND BRITTA. I love every scene they have together. I love it all. And Britta is probably my favorite character. And the more people hate her, the more I love her.

I want to make like, a billion picspammy things. I just rewatched S1 but maybe I'll watch it again oh ho ho. what am i even saying
...Okay I am going to...go pass out now.


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