Bones 2x09 - Aliens in a Spaceship

Jul 13, 2011 06:12

"I'm okay with you thanking God for saving me and Hodgins."

"That's not what I thanked him for. I thanked him for saving all of us. It was all of us. Every single one. You take one of us away and you and Hodgins are in that hole forever. And I'm thankful for that."

"I knew you wouldn't give up."

WOW. Holy crap, what an episode! I've been marathoning Bones from the beginning, and I feel like I need to start taking more notes or something while I'm watching because it just keeps getting better. Usually the little ending scene between Bones and Booth makes me tear up in some way, but this one for 2x09 is just lasjflkdfj. Booth is 100% right, and that's what makes this entire show so fucking awesome. I love everyone!!

"I'm nuts about Angela. Over the moon. Stupid in love with her."

I felt that, man. And just everything between the two of them in that car was so brilliant, I can't even.

All the Angela/Hodgins stuff in general is totally adorable. Especially because I've seen most of the later stuff (especially season 6) so I know what's coming!! jskfjdasklfjaslkfj NO WORDS JUST SAFKLJDASLFKJSDAFLKJFL;SAJF

Also, as cool as Kate Beckett is... if it came down to it, Brennan could totally kick her ass. I feel bad because while I'm watching Bones all I want to do is trash talk Castle, lol. I CAN'T HELP IT. But it is kind of better. Beckett is badass because she carries a gun around and dresses like a cop and occasionally(?) shoots a guy, but I really feel like the only reason she is badass is because we're told she's badass. I hate to say that, I really do. But it's the truth. Okay, Beckett slammed some guy* up against a wall because he talked trash about her mother, but Brennan broke a guys wrist for touching her with his "creepy serial killer hands". COME ON, WHO IS COOLER? Omg and that time she beat the crap out of that gang leader in front of the elevator?! SO COOL. Beckett tries to hard to be the ~good guy~ and that is no fun.

Castle should really take a note from Bones. I know as a whole it's a bit sillier anyway, but it could use a little bit more character development. Ugh, I really don't want this to turn into some kind of Castle-bashing post, I'm going to try not to. It's all my Uncle's fault, really. Ever since I started watching Castle with him, all his does is complain about it and it wouldn't be so bad if what he said didn't make sense. But it does. He always complains that they always accuse like, 5 people of murder before they find the killer, and it's always one of the first people they question. And he's so right. That is the same pattern they follow in every episode, and I have to admit it is kind of annoying. Okay, I'm cutting this off now. I still love Castle! Just... maybe... not as much as I used to.

*Fun fact: that was totally Dr. Goodman, lol. These shows are practically begging me to compare (AND JUDGE) them. I feel like I should say now how much I freak out over the guest stars on Bones. Adam Baldwin and Greg Ellis in the same episode?! YES PLZ!

Oh and, I guess I should mention that I've started watching Stargate SG-1. I really like it so far, but please tell me that Sam Carter gets cooler. There have been so many times in the first few episodes where she could have easily kicked some ass, but instead just struggles a bit and lets herself get captured. I don't care if she beat that guy in a (kind of lame) knife fight, she is in the military for crying out loud! She shouldn't have gotten captured by a freaking child in the first place! I don't care if she's a scientist... Bones is a scientist! And everyone knows how much ass Bones kicks! Oh my god and don't even get me started on that episode with that rage virus thing. Of course she had to be the one to get all aggressive and want to make out with O'Neill. God forbid a girl should want to punch someone, idk.

I am usually pretty laid back, so when I start getting all feminist rant-y about this stuff, something might be wrong. Is it a 90s thing? Is it kind of dated?

Oh, whatever. I'm just going to watch moar Bones.

bones, castle, stargate

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