something that is not dragon age, for a change

Apr 27, 2011 00:17

- I saw a couple movies this weekend! I finally got around to seeing Tangled which I hated in a bad way (unfortunately) and Tron: Legacy which I hated in a good way. Don't get me wrong, I thought Tangled was a gorgeous movie -- I love, love, LOVED the animation! But what the hell, it was like every plot from every princess movie Disney has ever done mashed together. I mean, the entire end was pretty much ripped from Beauty and the Beast, from the "death" (they both even get stabbed in the same side, right?!) to the THEY GET MARRIED AND EVERYTHING IS HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!!1 I would love to see something like this but where the princess who's been locked in a fucking tower with a crazy person her entire life is a fucking crazy shut in with no people skills! And the talking to animals thing is because she's CRAZY. (Sigh.. does everyone hate me now, or what?) And I thought Tron was really good but I hated the ending :C WHY YOU GOTTA DIE, JEFF BRIDGES??? ;________________; It really upset me.

I also watched Never Let Me Go which was FUCKING FANTASTIC OMG. I couldn't remember what it was about, I just knew I wanted to watch it and oh my god. I was in tears by the end. I loved it. asflkjasdfl

And... there was another one.. OH right, Kick-Ass which I... liked. I guess. It was alright. The best part was Hit Girl taking out everyone in the fucking dark and... pretty much the entire end was super badass. But I thought the beginning was really slow/boring.

- Have some pictures that I've taken over the past few months!

As a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, so must you become DERELICTE!

Cupcakes I made for mom's boss' anniversary. They were delicious~

Took both of these at the cemetary this weekend. It was actually kind of creepy there DONT BLINK

movies, photography, art

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