DA2 ~*romance options*~

Feb 15, 2011 03:51

So! This has gotten me a little more excited for DA2!!

Wow, Anders!! What is going on with that, man?! I guess now my lady!Mage from Origins isn't going to have some torrid love triangle going on between her, Anders, and Alistair. And how long does that happen after Awakening? I can't quite remember what happened at the end of the game though. Okay. I guess they could make some of it work, but it all seems a bit dodgy to me, idk. And what if you don't recruit Anders?? Does it just not carry over?

I don't care for Merrill too much. I don't remember her from Origins, but she sounds like kind of a dumbass. Idk how I feel about Isabela yet. Not really a fan of her in Origins, not a fan of her redesign. Or, I should say, I'm not a fan of the fact that they decided to redesign her (and then make her white in the promo material? WTF! lol) Idk. I like what they changed her to, but I also know what she used to be, ya know?

WHY ARE 3/4 LI'S FROM ORIGINS :| Not a fan of that either.

Fenris sounds pret-ty badass though. Idk anything else about him cause I haven't really been following all this DA2 news too closely. But why is everyone picking him for the m/m option?? It fucking bothers me because it just seems like they're making him a Zev clone, IDK. Why can't Anders be the m/m option? I always thought he would lean that way from playing Awakening, idk.

And I really don't care about Varric not being a LI. I guess my knee jerk reaction is to hate him just because of all the love he's getting EVERYWHERE. WHAT IS SO GREAT ABOUT HIM??? I just don't get it.

Alex borrowed Linkin Park's new CD from his friend. I didn't know it was a concept album! Or that it was about nuclear warfare, which I find completely interesting. I should say now, there is something about the Atomic Age that simultaneously intrigues and completely terrifies me. Knowing what we know now, to think that people once thought nuclear power was going to be used for everything kind of scares me. I guess I'm freaked out by the bomb in general (in the same way I'm terrified of drowning) but I LOVE the art/design aspect of it all. Anyway, back to the CD... The Radiance gives me chills a bit. Just Oppenheimer talking but, damn. And as a whole, I like the music more than the lyrics. It kind of overpowers the lyrics in some songs, and I think it's stronger emotionally. It sounds more dangerous, haha. Gives me the creeps in a good way. Like, it's more 'nuclear warfare' sounding than the lyrics, I guess is what I'm trying to say.

This post is getting really random but here's a few songs I put on a playlist the other day when I was super tired that kind of reminded me of each other.

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the beginning sounds almost the same as...

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& then there's

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Also, How is Valentines Day a holiday? I am a total hater. If you love someone, you should show them you love them all year round, not just on one day. everyonegroaningatbritta.gif

dragon age, music

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