ethe_real_ity will disown me for this.

Jan 14, 2011 04:31

For the romance dialogue project I mentioned last time. (Wonky formatting is wonky. IHU, Rich text.) Just keeping it here for now as a reference, I guess. Until I get a little more together.

[Medbay Scene]

Ashley: Doctor? Dr. Chakwas? I think he’s waking up.

Dr. Chakwas: You had us worried there, Shepard. How are you feeling?

• Paragon - I’m okay: Minor throbbing. Nothing serious. How long was I out?
• Neutral - What happened?: How did I end up here? How long was I out?
• Renegade - Not great: Like the morning after shore leave. How long was I out?

Dr. Chakwas: About fifteen hours. Something happened down there with the beacon, I think.

Ashley: It’s my fault. I must have triggered some kind of security field when I approached it. You had to push me out of the way.

• Paragon - Don’t blame yourself: You had no way to know what would happen.

o Dr. Chakwas: Actually, we don’t even know if that’s what set it off. Unfortunately, we’ll never get the chance to find out.

• Neutral - What about the beacon?: Where's the beacon now? What happened to it?

• Renegade - You were careless: I expected better of you, Cheif. You endangered the entire mission.

o Dr. Chakwas: Don’t be so hard on her, Commander. We have no idea if that’s what actually set it off. Unfortunately, we’ll never get the chance to find out.

Ashley: The beacon exploded. A system overload, maybe. The blast knocked you cold. The lieutenant and I carried you back here to the ship.

• Paragon - Thanks: I appreciate it.
• Neutral - Was I hurt?: What’s the damage, doctor?
• Renegade - Not a local hospital?: I don’t suppose it occurred to you that Eden Prime has medical facilities.

o Dr. Chakwas: Listen, you’re better off in this infirmary than in any hospital on Eden Prime.

Dr. Chakwas: Physically, you’re fine. But I decided some unusual brain activity, abnormal beta waves. I also noticed an increase in your rapid eye movement, signs typically associated with intense dreaming.

• [All responses] I saw -I’m not sure what I saw. Death. Destruction. Nothing’s really clear.

Dr. Chakwas: Hmmm. I better add this to my report. It may-Oh, Captain Anderson.

Captain Anderson: How’s our XO holding up, Doctor?

Dr. Chakwas: All the readings look normal. I’d say the commander’s going to be fine.

Anderson: Glad to hear it. Shepard, I need to speak with you - in private.

Ashley: Aye, aye, Captain. I’ll be in the mess if you need me.

[ Pre-Citadel ]

[ After Being Made a Spectre ]

[ First Conversation? ]

[ After Therum ]

[ After Noveria ]

How are we doing?: What's your opinion on the last mission?

Ashley: You mean the rachni, right? Like I said, the rachni are dangerous. They proved that two thousand years ago. I think it was a mistake to let them go. But that wasn't my call to make. It was yours.

Ashley: If you haven't talked to Dr. T'Soni, you probably should. She just lost her mom. That has to hurt. Just saying, skipper.

[ Second Conversation - Armistice Day ]

Ashley: Hey, skipper. Any interest in a small drink? It's a special occasion.

• Paragon - Non-alcoholic: I'm on duty. Have anything without alcohol?

• Ashley: You're always on duty, Shepard.

• Neutral - That's contraband: Last I checked, the Alliance Navy was dry.

• Ashley: All right. But you know, a 'still is the first thing the engineers install after engines.

• Renegade - Sure: With all we've been through lately? Hell yes.

• Ashley: I only have enough to toast the day, not the captain.

• Occasion: What's the occasion?

Ashley: It's Armistice Day. When the First Contact War ended. My family always marks it. Since I'm the only Williams aboard, I thought I'd ask you.

• Paragon - I'm flattered: Seems like an odd thing to celebrate. That was 26 years ago.

• Ashley: In our family, it's not really a celebration. More like an obligation.

• Neutral - Why celebrate?: Seems like an odd thing to celebrate. That was 26 years ago.

• Ashley: In our family, it's not really a celebration. More like an obligation.

• Renegade - Why me?: You can't think I'm the most patriotic person on the ship.

• Ashley: Maybe not. Maybe I'd rather share this with you. You ever consider that?

Ashley: Don't tell me you don't know about my family? My commanders always find out. It's not in my files or something?

• Paragon - Your files are clean: There's almost nothing in your files. Technical scores and a list of crap assignments.

• Ashley: There's a reason for the crap assignments.

• Neutral - What?: I don't know what you're talking about.

• Renegade - Spit it out: Are you playing games with me?

• Ashley: I don't always play games, sir.

Ashley: I'm General Williams' granddaughter. The commander of the Shanxi garrison in the war. “The only human ever to surrender to an alien race.”

• Paragon - Now I understand: I see. That's why you drive yourself so hard.

• Ashley: “A Williams has to be better than the best, if only to avoid suspicion.” That's what my Dad told me the night before he retired. It takes a special kind of thickheaded to march into a job where your family's blacklisted. I did it anyway.

• Neutral - Not your fault: Don't tell me you're blamed for that.

• Ashley: Not formally. Dad got passed for promotion over and over. And I think my record merits more than garrison duty on a backwater agri colony. It takes a special kind of thickheaded to march into a job where your family's blacklisted. I did it anyway.

• Renegade - I see: You're blacklisted because of your grandfather's cowardice.

• Ashley: Cowardice. That's what the Terra Firma party calls it.

Ashley: I'm not going to let our name go down with Arnold and Quisling. Granddad deserved better than that.

• Investigate:

• Grandfather: What happened to your grandfather after the war?

• Ashley: He was relieved of command as soon as Shanxi was liberated. They brought him back to Earth in irons, but there was never a trial. They quietly demoted him, and stuck him behind a desk. He retired a year later, and spent the rest of his life working construction in the colonies. Sometimes we hear about attempts to get him exonerated in some official way. Nothing ever comes of it.

• Shanxi: As I recall, your grandfather held out for a long time.

• Ashley: The turians wrecked the orbitals in the first wave, and occupied the major cities. They sat in orbit, dropping rocks on anything that moved. Granddad dispersed the troops. But when they went into the cities for supplies, the turians would wreck a block to eliminate one fire team. Civilians were dying. His troops were starving. And he couldn't contact Alliance High Command. So he surrendered the garrison.

• How can I help?: I should have figured this out myself. I don't know how I can help you, though.

• Ashley: Look at who I am, Shepard. Do you ever hear me ask for help? It's not like bad things don't happen to me. If you stay with me long enough, maybe I'll tell you about some of them. But I deal with them myself. I don't need a shoulder to cry on, a knight to rescue me, or a man to make me happy. This is who I am. I like her. And you better like her, too. [This goes straight to “So, you still interested in me?”, without picking on of the next P, N, or R options.]

• Paragon - So do you: He refused to sacrifice his men just to save face for humanity. You planning to throw yourself on a sword to save face for him?

• Ashley: Would it make a difference? He's gone now. Dad's gone, too. And who would it impress? I'll never be good enough for the Alliance.

• Neutral - That's why you dislike aliens: Is this why you're always going on about the Council?

• Ashley: If everyone else can look at Shanxi and say, “This is why humanity needs to be stronger,” that so can I. I'm entitled.

• Renegade - He got what he deserved: Sometimes you have to fight to the bitter end. You plan to bail if Saren gets the upper hand?

• Ashley: No, sir. I'd die to stop him, if that's what it takes. Him, and anyone else who tries to screw with the Alliance.

Ashley: So, you still interested in me? Baggage and all?

• Paragon - Of course: Everyone comes with baggage, Ash. The trick is finding a matched set.

• Ashley: That's awful. Tell me you got that out of a fortune cookie.

• Neutral - What about me?: You're interested in me? It's hard to tell.

• Ashley: Maybe I'm not. I guess you've been too busy saving the galaxy to think about it.

• Renegade - I like a challenge: You're a difficult woman. Hard to read. Hard to keep in line.

• Ashley: Awfully smug, Shepard. What makes you think you can keep me in line?

Ashley: But hey, once we save the galaxy, maybe the Alliance will get it's act together. Start acting like an actual government.

• Paragon - The Alliance is all right: The Alliance isn't perfect, but it does well enough.

• Ashley: Have to disagree with you there, skipper. Giving aliens the run of our most advance ship? Kowtowing to the Council?

• Paragon - It's not like that: The Alliance should be able to stand on it's own. We can't. Yet. Why not learn from the races who have been standing for the last thousand years?

• Ashley: How can you say that, given everything we've seen out here? They're already acting like Saren is our problem. Already siccing us on the bear. The council races will always think of themselves first. It's - human nature. We can't afford to trust them. Not if the survival of humanity is on the line.

• Paragon - Let's put a pin in this: Regardless, it's not something you or I can change right now. We should focus on our duties.

• Ashley: You're probably right. It still pisses me off.

• Neutral - All right: Regardless, it's not something you or I can change right now. We should focus on our duties.

• Ashley: You're probably right. It still pisses me off.

• Renegade - I've heard enough: Whatever feelings I might have for you, we have to work with the Council. I can't let you second guess our superiors.

• Ashley: Shepard, I'm a soldier. You're my commander. If you give me an order, I'll follow it. I don't expect you to treat me differently from anyone else under your command. And if you have been - quit it. I thought you knew me better than that.

• Paragon - I do: I'm sorry, that was unfair. You've never abused our relationship. Whatever it is. You're hard to figure out.

• Ashley: I'm a little complex, but I'm not some Freud-case.

• Neutral - I'm just frustrated: I'm sorry, that was unfair. You've never abused our relationship. Whatever it is. You're hard to figure out.

• Ashley: I'm a little complex, but I'm not some Freud-case.

• Renegade - Do I?: Seems like everytime we run up against aliens, you whip out the “Earth first” card. I can't have my authority undermined.

• Ashley: I never intended to “undermine” you, Shepard. I believe in you. I wish you'd believe in anyone but yourself. With your permission, sir, I'll return to my duties. [Ends Conversation]

• Paragon (persuade) - We can work with them: Ash, you believe in God. An infallible, all-knowing creator with a plan for the universe. You think the diversity of views in the galaxy wasn't part of that?

• Ashley: I don't know what God intends, Shepard. I don't think humans have some divine mandate, if that's what you mean. I don't think we're superior.

• Paragon - We need balance: Humans are aggressive. We think fast, we move fast. Wars have started because of our need for constant progress. The council can balance that.

• Neutral - We need to learn: We need to know what to expect out here. We've met aliens who oppose us, but don't want to destroy us. Maybe it's an opportunity to learn.

• Renegade - We need opposition: Humans are at their best when confronted with a problem. This crew proves that. Maybe the Council's opposition will inspire us to be better.

Ashley: That's - huh. Guess I never thought of it that way. All “big picture,” I mean. It doesn't make what happened to Granddad any better though.

• Paragon - No, it doesn't: What happened to your grandfather shouldn't have happened.

• Ashley: Well, at least somebody knows that.

[War Hero] And a Star of Terra recipient, no less. Granddad must love that.

[Sole Survivor]


• Neutral - The Council didn't do that: But you can't blame the Council for that, or the turians. It was our people who scapegoated him.

• Ashley: I know. It's hard to be a patriot and pissed at the government, though. Who am I supposed to vote for?

• Renegade - Stay on the Normandy: I'll pull strings to keep you under my command. I don't hold your family against you. You'll get what you deserve.

• Ashley: The brass will think I'm trading you favors for promotions. My favors don't come that cheap. You have to do better than that to keep me by your side, Shepard.

• Neutral - It's temporary: We haven't been out here long, Ash. Once humanity has it's space legs, we can start asserting ourselves.

• Ashley: How can you say that, given everything we've seen out here? They're already acting like Saren is our problem. Already siccing us on the bear. The council races will always think of themselves first. It's - human nature. We can't afford to trust them. Not if the survival of humanity is on the line.

• Renegade - I “kowtow?”: So you think my letting aliens on board was kowtowing to the Council?

• Ashley: That came out wrong. We may not always agree, but you get the job done for the Alliance. The council races will always think of themselves first. It's - human nature. We can't afford to trust them. Not if the survival of humanity is on the line.

• Neutral - Commence the saving: We better get going, then. Seems I've got something to look forward to after we're done.

• Ashley: More than you know.

• Renegade - They will: If not, we'll convince them. One way or the other, the Alliance is going to play a role in the Council.

Ashley: I have a feeling things will come to a head soon. But don't worry, Shepard. I'll protect you.

[ After Feros ]

How are we doing?: What's your opinion on the last mission?

Ashley: Gotta admire those colonials. That's about the worst place for a colony I've ever seen. Given the option, I'd get the hell out of Dodge.

[ Third (?) Conversation - ]

Ashley: There's a reason for everything that happens, Shepard. Even if you don't understand it at the time.

[War Hero] Your assignment to Elysium. It put you in the right place at the right time.

[Sole Survivor]


Ashley: Your character made you rise to the occasion. And that got you here. Commanding the finest tin can in the Alliance fleet. This is exactly where the galaxy needs you to be. No pressure.

• Paragon - I need you: The galaxy may need me here, but I need you next to me.

• Ashley: God, you're awful! How do you come up with these things?

• Neutral - What about you?: It's good to know where I stand with the galaxy. Where do I stand with you?

• Ashley: About a meter away. Maybe 1.2 meters.

• Renegade - Be serious, Ash: So when can I expect you to stop jerking me around?

Ashley: Sorry. I'll be serious. I - I need time to think. We've been focused on the mission. When we're done, it'll be different. I swear. I hope you can wait.

• Paragon - As long as you need: There's some old saw about waiting and good things, isn't there?

• Ashley: You are totally shameless. You need your own line of greeting cards.

• Neutral - Absolutely: I'll just requisition myself some cold showers.

• Ashley: That's the spirit. Keep a stiff upper something.

• Renegade - Barely: I'll just requisition myself some cold showers.

• Ashley: That's the spirit. Keep a stiff upper something.

Ashley: I'll warn you though, I'm a hellcat off the battlefield, too. Sleep tight, Shepard.

[ Comm Room Scene after Virmire ]

[ After Virmire ]

[ Fourth Conversation - ]

[ By the Lockers ]

[ The Night Before Ilos ]

If you do not like Ashley, romance the crap out of her. It will change your mind. The hellcat line is a bit awkward, but (1) I like that she calls paragon Shep on his BS. *high five* And (2) how awesome is that entire response to "How can I help?"????? And that is why she's one of my favorite characters. THE END.

my geek is showing, mass effect

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