Sep 29, 2010 21:30

I came to a revelation about Glee last night.

Scudworth = Will. And if that's any indication of how the rest of the season will go... Will will kill Stamos and steal his crown Emma.

Otherwise, as far as TV has been going... I was a little let down by SPN. What kind of premiere was that? :\ EH. Raising Hope is amazing, a lot better than I thought it was going to be and (unfortunately) better than Running Wilde, imo. HIMYM made me tear up this week and the more I watch Chuck the more I reconsider watching the entire series. Castle has been the best. I want it around forever. I want to marry the entire cast and crew. I haven't watched any Thursday shows yet because I've been working (and I'm trying to catch up on most of them).

orangerful, you will be happy to know I finished BioShock like, a week ago haha. IT WAS AWESOME.

And I almost had a library emergency! Last Thursday I realized I couldn't find my babysitting check and I panicked and thought I left it in a library book. I spent a good amount of time freaking out about it and asking around at the RB library and I even put the book on hold again to see if I could magically get the same one back, but no luck. (The book was A Distant Melody, which I somehow didn't realize was Christian fiction until I was a few chapters in and they were quoting the bible. I spent a lot of time mocking it so it was like, IS THIS PAYBACK FOR ALL THE GOD JOKES?!)

So then last night Alex and I were watching Cloverfield at 4 in the morning when the power went out completely randomly (and not freaky at all). It was weird because idk, it didn't go all the way out? Lights were still glowing and shit and all our outlets were buzzing so we unplugged everything. Idk, I've just never seen it do that before. So anyway, him and I went for a walk to see who else was out, cause that's just what we do. Up by the water treatment plant there were all these cars lined up to go in and the traffic light was out and it was just weird. So we came back and sat around and did shit by candlelight because we are the only family who doesn't have a fucking flashlight.

When everything came back on an hour and a half later I got up to turn the computer back on and my check was sitting right by the tower on top of my flash drives! I know it was probably there the whole time and I am some strange new breed of idiot, but it was still kind of bizarre.

And wow, the 1001 days of the 101 in 1001 I was doing have officially passed. Huh. It's going to be weird not having that sticky post at the top of my journal. Strange to think that when I started 2010 felt so far away x)


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