I'm Aliiiiiiiiiiive!

Aug 09, 2010 05:07

I don't know why I waited so long to watch 30 Rock, I really don't. I've only finished season 1 and I love it. So far, my favorite episode was "Fireworks". aslfjslfj I think I ship Tina Fey/Jason Sudeikis, lol. FOR REAL. Excuse me while I alsjfdksajfsalfj. IDK I think I like Floyd more than Jim Halpert. What is that! AND WHERE CAN I GET A FLOYD?? I ( Read more... )

30 rock, inception, assassin's creed, movies

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Comments 10

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lostacanthus August 9 2010, 16:46:19 UTC
Something is clearly wrong with us?!? The worst part is, I've had the episode "Blind Date" on my computer since probably 2007 and just never watched it :| I am really disappointed in myself.

Okay, I think I lied up there because if I ship anyone it's Ariadne/Robert and it's all your fault. "Give My Gun Away When It's Loaded" was especially gorgeous and amazing ♥

Omg yes, the kitten part was really depressing :(( Aside from that, nothing else really moved me though. It was all just kind of...weird. But the music was great.


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lostacanthus August 9 2010, 20:26:56 UTC
I was the same way at first! I guess I was like, "I'm happy with The Office, there is no way it can be that funny" (but er, I think I like it more, now) And I watched a few seconds of Blind Date and was like, EH. 30 seconds is obviously enough for our not-as-cool past!selves xD

Reformed and a million times more awesome for it.

lol sorry??? xD I liked the other one a lot too! (They are both very, very good.) Maybe it's because I read them in reverse order for whatever reason? Omg I just realized! It was the first Inception fic I read! :') I remember you posting it and when I got home after seeing the movie I went straight to it. And Robert/Ariadne never occurred to me while I was watching, so I was like, IT'S GENIUS. Haha now it will always have a special place in my heart!! And there's nothing you can dooo about it!!! ;P

Hmm I need more relevant icons, but that is nothing new.


orangerful August 9 2010, 23:50:10 UTC
LOL always nice to read a good flail and you never disappoint. Glad you're watching 30 Rock. It was my favorite comedy on TV until it was usurped last year by Community. But I have SO MUCH LOVE for Tina Fey. SO much. I have a 30 Rock quote-a-day calendar that AD got my for Christmas and I keep sticking quotes to my desk at work.

Also, I agree with you about Ben Button - that movie was OVERRATED and WAAAAY too long for something where we knew how it was going to end! Plus, the whole Katrina thing was just cheap.


lostacanthus August 10 2010, 05:28:34 UTC
Haha I know I'm easily excitable and I never know if it's a good thing or a bad thing. I guess it's good to know I'm somewhat entertaining (and not completely crazy)? ;) Oh I'm totally going after Community next. I've only seen a handful of episodes; I wanted to watch it from the beginning but I kept forgetting it was on /shame

Oh totally. Haha I kind of felt bad when I watched it because I was like, "Wasn't this supposed to be ~*~omg amazing~*~? Wasn't I supposed to love it?" But I really just spent the whole movie waiting for Brad Pitt to get hot. If I'm being really honest. And yes to the Katrina thing. :| I've been meaning to read the short story, just to see how it compares, but I haven't got around to it.


orangerful August 10 2010, 22:50:14 UTC
A lot of Community is back up on Hulu right now as they try to get people excited for next season. The show is freakin' brilliant, I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!! http://www.hulu.com/community Football, Feminism, and You is one of my TOP episodes, it made me fall in love with that show. And Debate 109??? They don't have to be seen in order, they just need to be SEEN! NOW! Stop what you're doing and watch, I COMMAND IT!!!!!

Re: BB: The short story was written in the 1920s and is about 100 pages long, at most. How can it compare to that dull 3 hour movie? (oh gods, do I want those hours BACK!)


lostacanthus August 11 2010, 06:34:14 UTC
lol, YES MA'AM!!


tereishqmein August 10 2010, 17:31:06 UTC
30 Rock is amazing. So was Inception! I haven't played Assassin's Creed 2 yet because I only just got my xbox back and need to finish FF13 first but I really want to get started on it :D


lostacanthus August 10 2010, 20:31:22 UTC
AC2 is amazinggg! :D Soo much better than the first one. (Haha which I made my brother finish for me (while I watched) because it got so boring and repetitive x)) Have you seen the 'Lineage' short films? So awesome ♥


tereishqmein August 11 2010, 17:13:21 UTC
Yes I have! They were great :D I liked the first game but it did take me forever to finish because I kept getting bored/distracted haha. Will definitely pick up AC2 sometime this week so I can play it before heading back to school :D


lostacanthus August 13 2010, 08:41:33 UTC
They really were. I love Giovanni sfm. Him and Maria are so awesome together~ ♥ I think my only gripe is that Lineage!Ezio doesn't look anything like game!Ezio x) Which is ridiculous and impossible unless they got the actual model dude and then he wouldn't look anything like the rest of his family and would have been crazy old. But then... Lineage!Ezio looks more like the rest of the Auditore's and now I'm just rambling. :|


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