ASH YOU HAVE A BIG HEAD. I'M SORRY. Ever since I decided you liked 80s pop music you have become so awesome. Why do ilu?
+ the infiltrator!Shep I made in ME2 for Garrus.
deeerp. Clover Martin (the one I talk about sometimes, if anyone is keeping er, track). Every time I hear that song it's like, boom people like WHAT IS THE POINT OF LIIIIIFE. And then her in a horrible dress, wtf.
Heyyy unfinished stuff... I know everyone is shocked just shocked. ME. NOT FINISH SOMETHING? NOOOOO!
My dalish elf Areida (and my f!Cousland is Ella and her dog is Char! Yay~ Ella Enchanted. C'mon.) and Kallian.
Moooore unfinished thingsss cause I am too lazy for references. D'AWW. Actually it's a bit creepy cause Alistair looks like Soris in that first one D: My Tabris playthrough is incredibly ~happy~ and filled with sunshine and sparkles and rainbows. For the most part.
Bendin' genders. Everyone else is doing it. Surprisingly enough, Alenko = Williams?!
lol and er, that is Alistair? idek.
Okay, maybe not.