Art dump, pt 2 of 2

Dec 23, 2009 10:45

Yay, the rest of it!

moar arts )

robin hood, merlin, juno rising, star wars: kotor, art, mass effect

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roguemouse December 23 2009, 20:35:51 UTC

...can I steal your hands, for, like, EVER?! *grabby paws*

Seriously. Each time you post your stuff, I just stare at them with my jaw hanging somewhere around the floor, and wonder why you don't, like, illustrate books or write a graphic novel.

I should totally commission an illustration from you. I'm all out of money, but do you accept unborn-future-to-be-had-babies, by any chance? :D


lostacanthus December 23 2009, 20:53:55 UTC
Awww haha thank you very much!
Idk I just don't think I'm consistent enough with everything and like, I need to work on more dynamic poses and such. Maybe do some life drawing or something? Because I have a hell of a time drawing bodies. That's why they're all.... torsos lol xD

Haha why it just so happens, unborn-future-to-be-had-babies are the only form of payment I'm accepting right now! ;))) You seriously want something? I can't promise brilliance, but I'll definitely do my best :DD


roguemouse December 23 2009, 21:03:29 UTC
Lol. Tell me about it - I draw, like, once a year, maybe. And when I do it takes freakin' ages, cause I'm so bad at body shapes and noses and feet and hair and... everything, really.
Which reminds me - I still need to post an illustration I did to one of my age ol' fics :D

*throws hundreds of future-to-be-had-babies your way, along with some candy and porn*
I'd love you forever and ever if you'd do me the honor *grins all pretty-like*


lostacanthus December 23 2009, 21:53:03 UTC
Ooo yes! Post it! :D

LOL! Okay! :D What do you want?


roguemouse December 23 2009, 21:56:27 UTC
Lol. I'll try. Got a lot on my mind right now :P

Hm, hard to explain. I shall send you email with details *iz sneaky*


lostacanthus December 24 2009, 08:57:53 UTC
Awesome :D


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