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lostacanthus September 12 2009, 19:07:13 UTC
I'M GLAD IT WASN'T JUST ME. I WAS LIKE, CRINGING. But yeah, I suppose that was the point, even if I would've rather watched them sing Le Freak x)

lol Sue probably even tops Will/Emma for my favorite thing about this show. She is just fucking hilarious. "YOU THINK THAT'S HARD? TRY LIVING WITH HEPATITIS, THAT'S HARD."

I don't mind Rachel so much. Sometimes I kind of feel bad for her, I guess, which makes me want to like her. Though the cheerios calling her things like "manhands" are...unfortunately not far from the truth. And when she was emoting while singing at the end I was like UGHEW. And then I feel horrible for being superficial and mean but... :\

also gold digger was SO BADLY lip synched and it seemed like such little enthusiasm was put into it.
ITA. I don't really understand why they had to lip synch to a rap like that, I mean, if anything it just would've sounded better if they just sang it right there. It doesn't need to be perfect. Idk, I'm just like, scratching my head over this. I keep thinking of Moulin Rouge, and how Baz or whoever said he had them sing on set (and it was fucking awesome) and I'm like, why can't they do that now?? IDK.

I just went ahead and capped my season 1 episodes (I was going to find caps online, but it's just easier for me to cap them, idgi) and I am just BLOWN AWAY AT HOW MUCH BETTER IT IS THEN I REMEMBER IT BEING. I'm like HOW DOES SEASON THREE EVEN EXIST??? IDGI And choosing caps for s3 was so hard :| It's just so horrible.
And I was just pondering... I think it could be argued that the whole show is about/revolves around Marian and not so much Robin. Idk, maybe I just think she's too awesome. But a lot of it is Guy & Robin fighting over her and she's like, I don't wanna be lame and say "the heart" of the show, but she kind of is. And I really don't know how to explain what I mean right now :\ too many words jumbled up in my head :\ Something about her and Guy and.. eh. I have typed way too much already.
And once she dies, it's like the show totally fails.


Also, I realized after I posted this that Lucifer's vessel was Jacob and since I don't watch Lost anymore, I was like "......oh. I don't know who that is." lol


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