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Aug 25, 2009 02:08

I cannot stop watching these!!

I love watching them dance sfm.

wishcandy and I saw "Adam" last Wednesday, and honestly, I thought it was just okay. And I'm really tired of Rose Byrne. I want to like her, I really do, but jesus, she is horrible and I am giving up. I think maybe if a better actress had the part, it would've made the movie a lot better.

And the other day I saw "Rocket Science". I liked it a lot more than I thought I would. It was really cute! Haha, I actually cried at the end. It kind of reminded me of "Thumbsucker", but I liked that a lot less.

I'm re-watching Robin Hood with my brother, and this will be like, the third time I've watched the entire series. (Not really counting Season 3 though, because it was complete crap.) I JUST DON'T GET IT D: Season 2 was so good! And Season 3 was shit! How does that happen??? >:|||
I LOVE Lardner's Ring and Walkabout and Treasure of the Nation SO FUCKING MUCH. Especially Treasure of the Nation, when, you know, Allan pretends to be the Nightwatchman so Marian doesn't have to die. alsfkjlsajf! Guy and Allan get so fucking awesome, and I guess I wish they could just be awesome forever. And that episode really makes me root for Guy/Marian and almost makes me prefer them over her and Robin, because really, Robin is a huge prick most of the time. And yet, I still don't hate him (until season 3).
AND HOW AWESOME WAS GUY IN WALKABOUT??? Coming back to Marian all like "If I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die by your side." "To die by your siiide is such a heavenly way to diee" KLSAFJALSF

God I hate Season 3. They should've just left it after 2 >:(

Oh, and I watched Stand By Me the other night (because Wil Wheaton posted this). I can't ever remember crying watching that movie, but this time I did. Like a baby. :C

robin hood, movies

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