Wow, that's pleasant! Thanks Greenpeace!
Anywho, I watched a few episodes of Kings last night on SciFi (I WANT TO BOYCOTT "SYFY" BY THE WAY. I WILL NEVER CALL IT THAT) and I kind of really like it!! To bad it always comes on when I'm working D:
And I think my brother is like, a Doctor Who fanboy now, lol. Idk. He runs around quoting everything and saying "Well" like Ten xD and he's like 'WE NEED TO SEE THE EASTER SPECIAL. WEEEE NEEEEED TO SEEEE ITTTT!!' Now that he's seen all of Doctor Who (save for a few episodes of Season 4), WE'RE MOVING ON TO TORCHWOOD ALSKDJLAFJKSDF
He likes Martha most, and I'm like, eh, okay. I mean, I like Martha, but I like Martha when she's with UNIT/Torchwood because she's more badass, and I always felt bad for her when she was with the Doctor. And she was kind of annoying but...idk I just like her.
Tbh, for me it's like Donna>Martha>Rose. I hate to admit it, because I feel horrible putting Rose last, but it's not because she's not awesome, BECAUSE SHE IS, it's just that the others are MORE awesome??? idk. They're all separated by like, decimals of awesome though, so its not like a huge margin or anything.
Okay, I need to stop rambling and get ready for work xP