Once More, With Feeling...Wait a minute, Season Seven?!??

Jul 01, 2005 23:53

Sweet left. The Scoobies Triumphed.
This RPG starts after "Never Leave Me", where Spike dies, etc, etc.
There is no Watcher, Slayers are being murdered all around the world.

It seems that Buffy, Faith and the Potentials are the only ones left.
As it turns out, the First Evil has gotten friends. Lots and LOTS and L-O-T-S of friends.

The Watchers Council is being rebuilt and all available resources are being put into its construction and protection.
But.. Who Slays those Slaying the Slayers?

Wolfram and Hart has closed, moving Angel back to Sunnydale. Cordy is still in a coma. Illyria, Lilah and everyone else from LA, minus Faith and Wes, have seperated, leaving no traces of themselves behind.

The Powers That Be have had some interference as well, Anya and Tara have been brought back to Earth, just to throw a wrench in the works. But, so has Glory.

The First has supposedly disappeared. Which puts Buffy and Giles on edge. But, everyone else is happy. They start planning to have a Musical, and Dawn comes up with the idea to do a sorta re-make as she recalls it, of Once More, With Feeling.

Sweet, who's been keeping tabs on Dawn, finds out. He gives Dawn the pendant back, and Dawn uses it, calling Sweet.

Sweet gets rather pissed off when the massive hoarde gathered wave after wave of demons..and attacked, right in the middle of Sweet's opening number. He's also bewildered..when his magic isn't enough to defeat the oncoming demons.

The demons swarm, wave after wave, and it's up to the Scoobies, now in shambles, a few added extras and a Demon to save the day.
And do it all on a musical note.

Sweet: pending
Buffy: summers__buffy
Angel: fallen_lover
Faith: lost_your_Faith

Anya: pending
Tara: magickaltara
Cordy: messiah_cordy
Glory: oh_glory
And OC's are Welcome!

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