what did i say?

Sep 23, 2005 14:07

lately i have become the victim (?) of sexual harrassment in my government class.
i only say sexual because i'm the only girl in the class.
i put a question mark next to the word victim because, personally, i think it's hilarious.
i'm only calling it harrassment because that's what bruce kelly called it.

the other day, i was frantically all over DMACC trying to find a functional printer to print out my lecture notes for government class 10 minutes before it started. i finally found one, took my notes, looked at them in the hallway, got into the classroom, and set them down on my desk.

whitey says something to me so i turn to look at him. he's really the only person i know in the class, and i don't really even talk to him all that much. after finishing, i turn back and all of a sudden, i can't find my notes! i asked bryan (rather accusingly) where they went and he looked at me funny. i checked the floor, my backpack, even under my chair for them and they were nowhere to be found. bryan asked me if i forgot them by the printer. no! i was looking at them in the hall! class starts.

bruce kelly: okay, so what are the chances you have all restored my faith in youth and all have your lecture notes?
(everybody hold theirs up except for me. bruce kelly stares me down.)
me: i brought them to class and i put them right here and now i can't find them.
jason thompson: that's because i stole them. (class bursts out laughing)


for the most part, i love the class.
like today, we were talking about economic diversity within political interest groups.

bruce kelly: okay, so you all know what diversity is, right?
kid behind me: i believe that diversity was the name of an old old wooden ship used back in the civil war.
(everybody laughs)

freaking hilarious!
i love anchorman.
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