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Mar 14, 2006 18:17

FwooF! HA! Just got over a nasty cold...and i was at my aunts house so....IM BACK!! and have lots to attend to....
Now just so i dont have to do two post (cuz the effects are wearin away and that makes me drowsy :D) ill update here too....i have icons..but theyll be behind the cut...

OK..so if u havnt already heard, then ur deaf/blind/stupid/or just dead...HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE has come out on DVD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! haha...ok it came out a bit ago, but while i was sick, my parents went to blockbuster to try and get it for me, but it was all sold out, so the cashier gave them 4 HP POSTERS!!!!!!!!! YAH! haha...i like her...lol..but they thought that was nice enough..so i guess, IM GETTIN THEM MOVIE TOMORROW~!!! WOOT WOOT! haha....and never_frugal made this incredible tut...no im not kidding! IT TOOK HER 4 FRIKEN HOURS to do it! and its pretty much just fer n00bs...haha...BUT ITS GREAT...and im mentioned in it,,,SQUUUUUUUUUUUUE!!! haha... Well...GO!
and uh well...i kinda ferget what else i was gunna say...OH RIGHT! uh..im REALLY tired and so im not gunna # these, group them, or wut ever...just as they are on the photobucket page...ok..and its quite a slur of things i attempted...so...here are they are! :P

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