(no subject)

Nov 12, 2004 01:27

I hate the week before my period b/c I get insanely thirsty and drink everything in sight. And nothing quenches the thirst--water, soda, juice...I drink it all and I'm still thirsty. And then with the drinking comes the peeing and it's all just really annoying:p

I went to the movie place and rented Along Came Polly, Van Helsing (finally!), and Shrek 2 for movie day with Cambria on Saturday. I also rented Bring it On to take over to Jen's house tonight (well technically last night but you know what I mean!) b/c she has never seen it. I love that movie and Kirsten Dunst--and it has Buffyness in it b/c of Eliza Dushku and Clare Kramer. Also the girl who played Whitney was the chick put on the conveyer belt in The Wish and drained. And Lindsey Sloane was in it and she was also a bridesmaid in SMG's wedding. I'm a walking Buffy trivia book, I think:p Anyways the movie rocks so I had to make Jen watch it. I need to get it on DVD...maybe I'll ask for it for my birthday...

I'm going to call Barnes and Noble to see if they have Tales of the Slayer volume 4 in the store b/c I want to buy it to read on the drive to WV. I'm going on vacation to W. Virginia the week of Thanksgiving. And not only is this exciting b/c I *heart* WV but also b/c I get to meet my two nephews for the first time!!

Good news for my BLO friends: I can make it to the chat Friday nite since I went to Jen's tonight! Unless some of you didn't want me there, in which case it's bad news:p

Ok, I need to go to bed. I'm tired and my glass of juice is all gone:x This is the latest I have stayed up since daylight saving's time ended...
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