CK Coronation

Nov 02, 2008 22:49

Well let's say it was cool to actually make it out to an event, since it has been exactly 6 months since I last went to anything Kingdom level. *Shakes fists at Mundania*

So I went to the event knowing that the Tigers were now back to two, but I was determined to get with Tatsu and get shit in line. We got together for about 20 mins and yapped about what we should do and had it all hashed out. Went with Colonel to the store to go get booze and food, only to return to hear that Tatsu was not a Tiger anymore. In about the same time that it took for us to talk about Company stuff, he dropped colors for Annihalus.

After I heard this second hand info, I had people trying to console me for my "loss". I saw Tatsu in his new colors and I guess color left my face. He went from all cheer to hanging his head in disgrace. I guess he knew he did me wrong, at least he had some guilt. After clearing my head and after court, I got to talk to him about what happen. It went around the lines of him trying to blow smoke up my ass about how he told me that if the "A's" came knocking he was gone. I promptly reminded him what he told me when we asked him to be a Tiger and once again he hung his head. About this time or so, Shawn decided he was at VLARP saying he was invisible and came between Tatsu and I. The entire time smiling like a damn Cheshire Cat, and boldly wearing his F.O.A. Was it suppose to be that much of a prick move, don't know, but it really makes me wonder what our friendship is about. After that I had Tatsu tell me that he was lookin out for me and said that if I wanted to get into Annihalus, he could get me in. Talk about a Corsair Apology.

Spent the better part of that night being heckled by Waco, Raton and the rest of the ilk of Annihalus, only to end up having some sorta Zen/Life Lesson talk from Zircon. Pretty much after that, I spent the better part of the night drinking and flirtin. Had fun seeing old friends and making some new ones.

So it's back to square one, but I will not just give in. I now know how people like Will and Steve felt when they were the only ones in the stripes and this is my "crucible". I failed this test before and allowed myself to be tempted away, but not this time.

amtgard, tigerstuff

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