improving digestion

Sep 18, 2011 23:48

Recently I’ve been very interested in researching digestion and how to have good digestion. This was brought about by a book on water that I read recently called, “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water” by F.Batmanghelidj, M.D. (His website is here if you are so inclined) I definitely recommend the book, and perhaps I’ll address water another time, but today it’s digestion.

In “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water”, the author addressed water when it came to the digestion process and how water would aid in better digestion. The book did its job and convinced me I needed to drink much more water than I do now, but it also got me interested in digestion and how it affects my health.

While reading up on various websites on digestion I found some themes that were the same. Those being:

  1. Chewing your food. It seems that chewing your food really well makes it easier for your stomach to digest the food. Kind of sounds obvious, but then how often do you think about digesting when you're eating?
  2. Don't drink with meals. I found this one kind of interesting given that I'd just read a book on water. It seems that you really shouldn't drink anything, even soup, 30 minutes before eating and an hour after eating because it dilutes your digestive juices.
  3. Don't overeat. Eating smaller meals will help your body handle the load better. Having a big meal every now and then can also be good for your body, but in general, the advice is to keep it small. However, I've also read that you should wait 4-5 hours before eating again to allow your stomach to rest and replenish it's digestive juices and enzymes. Now, I don't know about you... but if I eat a small meal I want to eat again within like 3 hours... I feel a little torn on this one.
  4. Don't eat in a hurry. The reasoning behind this is that if you eat in a hurry you're not going to chew up your food as well and then it will just go down to your stomach in big chunks and take forever to break down. On the same note, I also read that you should eat when you're relaxed and not eat when stressed or over tired since your body needs energy to put into the digestive process.
  5. Eat high fiber foods. This one was like, everywhere that I read. Fiber is going to help in the elimination process that we probably don't really want to talk about. It will keep stools firm and help move waste through the digestion track.

Some other things I've read though that weren't quite as prevalent on all the sites I was reading from were the following:

  • Some spices will help with digestion, as well as pickled veggies.
  • Increase good gut bacteria (think good quality yogurt).
  • Cut out sugar and pepper.
  • Give more time to digest meats as they take longer to break down.
  • Eat ginger.
  • Don't eat right before bed.
  • Don't eat processed food.
  • Improve your posture.

I think, for myself, I'm going to try out some of these ideas and see if I can tell a difference in the way I feel and the way my body functions. If you try any of these, you'll have to let me know if they made any differences for you. :)

nutrition, health

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