Hi everyone. I'm taking a class in audience studies this term, and for my final paper I need to choose a fan community and answer a set of questions about it. I chose the Lost LJ community in general, and
lost_tv in particular to analyze. In order to answer the questions, I want to pose a few of my own to you all. I'd like to get some idea of how you use this community and what sort of enjoyment you gain out of this community and from watching the show. These aren't questions about who your favourite character is or what you think of season 3, but rather what do you get out of the show and the community? Why do you watch it and why did you join this community?
I've made up seven questions, which are under the cut. I'd greatly appreciate any thoughts you have, long or short, I don't mind. :) I've been a member of this community for several years, but I'd like to hear firsthand from you all about your feelings and experiences. Thank you!
The Community/Fandom
1. What initially prompted you to search out and join this community?
2. What are the primary ways you use this community? (ie. discussion, meeting fellow fans, news, etc)
3. Do you feel like there is a discernible sense of community here? Have you met and befriended other fans through this community?
4. Do you regularly visit other Livejournal communities relating to Lost? If so, which ones? What do you get from these communities that you don’t get from
1. Generally speaking, why do you watch Lost? What sort of pleasures and enjoyment do you gain from watching it?
2. What about Lost made you decide to come online and join a fan community?
3. Can you give some idea of how you watch the show? Ie., do you watch it simply as entertainment or do you enjoy engaging with it on a critical level? Do you prefer simply enjoying it or are you interested in digging deeper and making new meanings?
And that's it. :) Thanks again, I appreciate any thoughts. It's been interesting studying fandom academically - I'm so close to it and I've been in it so long that it's hard to distance myself! Oh, and also - please let me know if you'd be willing to let me quote you in my paper. It's only ever going to be seen by my prof/TA, but I understand if you wouldn't feel comfortable. Not sure if I'm going to end up using quotes, but just in case I thought I'd ask.
EDIT: Thanks to everyone who responded. :) I really appreciate all your thoughts, they gave me a good basis for my answers. Now I just have to write the darned thing. ;)