Mar 07, 2005 12:11
okay so here's an update:
me and gina arent friends.
me and ashley arent friends.
and the funny part is..
i dont even care.
let them run their mouths...
and talk crap to make
their druggy drunk selfs feel better
more power to them.
and oh yeah, remember all them tickets and stuff
i bought for you gina?
because you didnt have money to buy them?
you have a job now.
im pretty sure you can pay me back for some now
UNLESS all your money is going towards drugs and alcohol.
Which wouldnt really come as a surprise to me.
but when ever you get enough money
pay me back little by little.
k? thanks.
anyways. haha now that all that stupid stuff is out of the way, and i wasted 2 minutes of my life typing that. on to better things. me and Ally leave for chicago TOMORROW!!! before i pick up Ally from school tomorrow, I'm stopping by and getting Tegan, and then we're going to pick up some stuff =). MMM Taste of Chaos <3 MMM Tyler MMM Patrick MMM cornfilds MMM everything that's not in New Jersey right now. this weekend was pretty good. me and did stuff to our hair, we went shopping, we went out to dinner with my mom, we went birthday shopping for her, we went to see break away, we planted some stuff, did some other stuff to help start the bussiness, and a whole bunch of other stuff. but i must go now.