Random Random Fic Generators

Apr 27, 2010 19:03

Being a big fan of fun things like the Doctor Who Random Pairing Generator (even if I rarely write the results as an actual ship), and having been pointed to the even crazier They Fight Crime, I wondered what else was out there.

Well, I found two multi-fandom Pairing Generators HERE and HERE(though neither seems to include Doctor Who, sadly. I suppose you could combine with the DW one to create crossovers...)

And then this - it seemed like a harmlessly fun way to generate fic ideas if you were short of them, and then I explored a bit more and found that it includes amongst its multiple fic generators, The history scrambler (As in Queen Victoria, Goofy Sidekick etc. And 'Laura Ingalls Wilder - Warlord'. Really.) and a Character Scrambler which combines types to come up with random hilarity, or inspiration.

(But there's loads on that site - I quite like the Humorous Fantasy Class Generator as well.) Edit: It also has its own Brain hurts pairing generator with a seriously wide-ranging selection. So wide-ranging, the only two (out of 35) where I knew both characters were (!) Oskar Schindler (yes, really!)/Vila Restal and The Doctor (STV - not the Doctor/Arwen. (Plus a link to an lj comm of challenges related to pairing that require brain bleach. brain_asplode.

I'm going to go to bed and try not to think about any of it...

Are there any more? These things never fail to cheer me up when I'm a bit down and bored.

writing, random pairing generator, random generators

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