50 ficlets update

Apr 25, 2010 13:22

Only two over two weeks, but here they are:

Prompt 49: You’re Mine
Sam’s fed up with waiting for Kenny to get the point, so now she’s going to spell it out.
(717 words, All ages, Kenny Phillips, Sam Black, Lynda Day. Kenny/Sam. Post S2 finale).

Prompt 38: Beautiful Disaster
Sam promised Kenny he could dump her when they were through. This is harder than it seems.
Breaking Up Is Hard To DO (Or Five Times Kenny Tried to Dump Sam).
(995 words, All ages, Kenny Phillips, Sam Black, Lynda Day. Sam/Kenny. No spoilers S2/3, and completely uncanonical.)

fannish scribbles, press gang, sam black, lynda day, writing, kenny phillips, 50ficlets

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