Old Fashioned Meme

Mar 15, 2010 18:48

Because primsong is right about the weird, Q&A memes going round, and deserves to have her bit of inventiveness spread, so:

Old Fashioned Meme

01. Have you ever purchased old-fashioned clothing simply because it was old-fashioned? And worn it?
Erm. No. My sisters would have killed me, and I am well-trained by them, even if they can't see what I do these days.

02. In public? When it wasn’t a ‘historic era’ event?

03. Have you ever been told that you were born in the wrong century? By who? Did they mean it as a compliment or an insult?
Erm. No, but I think I ought to have been. I have occasionally been treated as if I'm some naive 19th C sort. It's kind of strange, and very annoying. So clearly, it ought to have been said. :lol:

04. Men are at their most manly for me when dressed in: A) hoodies and trendy jeans. B) flannel and denim. C) tweed and herringbone with leather patches. D) silk and velvet.
Who am I to dictate what someone else should wear? It depends entirely on the person and what suits them best. However, I am generally of the opinion that beards and moustaches are best only on fictional villains, but will make exceptions.

05. Waistcoats. Reaction?
Female? *cringe* I can't believe I used to wear them c. 1995? Male - well, if this is the whole black tie, formal wear thing, it's generally VERY flattering. (Did you see my last picspam?)

06. Long, thick, full skirts with enough material in them to dress an entire village of skinny urban waifs. Reaction?
How am I supposed to run/sit/go on the computer in this?

07. Old style names: A) I wish I had one. B) I use one online/secretly. C) I name all my pets and children with them. D) I’m getting my name legally changed to one next week.
My sisters have rather nice names (Anna and Emma). Mine is all spiky (Vicky) and nobody can believe it's not short for Victoria. This is because my parents took a month to agree, and then decided why give me the benefit of the extra syllables when they had no intention of using them? On the national GRO index I am incorrectly recorded anyway... But it would be odd to be someone else.

08. You’re stranded in the bucolic countryside. Who would you like to come calling?
The mobile librarian.

09. You have the wondrous opportunity to recite poetry beneath a blooming cherry tree whilst others listen rapturously. What poem do you recite?
When Daddy Fell Into the Pond, or Matilda Who Told Lies, as I can recite those two from memory, and am well versed in getting my audience to participate-. Oh, is that not the sort of thing you meant? I refuse to go on about daffodils or mending fences. I might possibly do some of Hardy's Love Poems if forced. (Castle Boterel, and The Waterfall, and, I forget its name but "Woman much missed, how you call to me, call to me.) However, that would depress everyone to death as an unfortunate side-effect.

10. You’ve done something marvelous in the drawing room. What is it?
Um. I have a drawing room in this reality? I think in that case, I have actually cleaned, polished and swept. That would be marvellous. I suspect I don't have two old sofas needing collection here, either?

11. You’ve looked up a vintage recipe and managed to cook it just because it was mentioned in a book you were reading. Was it edible?
Now, that's something I'd be tempted to try, except it's been long enough since I've even done chocolate cake or lemon meringue pie, or curried apple and carrot soup (sounds weird, but tastes great, trust me). In fact, I have a lot of other soups to try from my book. I always wanted to try syllabub cos it sounds great, but when I looked up the ingredients I changed my mind.

12. Piercing: A) Scream and faint gently but dramatically. B) Oh, nose, tongue, anything floppy is fair game. C) Odds fish, my dear, I wouldn’t dream of it!
Ears. Fine. Come near any other part of me with a needle unless you're a doctor/nurse and are assuring me it's for my own good, and I'll run. Provided I'm not still wearing that inconvenient frilly dress. (Heh. For several years as a teen I maintained I wouldn't pierce my ears, then changed my mind and six weeks before my 16th birthday, went and had it done without telling anyone. I had to have my passport photos done the same day. My mum noticed in the photos and was all "Well, that's not right", and then grabbing at my ear. I was embarrassed after all that "You ought to get your ears pierced" / "NO!" stuff, you see. :lol:)

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