It's Madness in My Head

Oct 11, 2008 15:47

Well, I've been a bit busy lately, but that doesn't mean I'm not getting ideas for fanfic.

The trouble is I now have a computer-bound (well, ish) job that means I should be out running around in my spare time.  (Of course, I don't)   Some weeks are busy and I only resurface again on Saturday, leading to a desperate day of fan fic writing.  I really must sort my life out.

Plus, I should finish the family history forum's Virtual Holiday (we arrived at the fantasy island in June and we're still there.  I suppose it's not all bad); update my family history before I have a third lot of Somerset research that I haven't typed up, update my family history blog and decorate the front room.

And I should do some reccing here, as I keep finding lots of great fics on Teaspoon.

However, this is what I've been thinking about instead:

Doctor Who / Voyager crossover with Five, Tegan & Nyssa.  (t's so obvious.  I've even written some.  I just have to come up with the right enemy.  (When the STV Doctor finds out the Doctor also has no name: "I'm just an Emergency Medical Hologram.  What's your excuse?")

Doctor Who / Chalet School crossover.  Well, everyone else seems to be doing it & I've had this in my head for about 11 years.  Only now it's become Two, Jamie & Zoe, with Zoe attending during the Austria years and Jamie having the obligatory mountain accident and getting carted off to the san (the only alternative would be funny, but not in keeping with CS ethics).  With Miss Wilson getting a decent part to play.  Zoe got taught by computers, so it's about time she found out what it's like in school.

The Fifth Doctor actually does visit the Great Exhibition (wouldn't that have been so much better than messing around with Concorde?)  With Nyssa being a lady and Tegan as her maid, while they get involved with the investigations of police inspector William Monk.  (It suddenly became obvious that it should be an Anne Perry crossover, only as it's 1851, no Hester.  And since Monk won't remember a thing, it'll be fine...)  This one really just needs writing up properly, as I have pages drafted up and Judith Flanders's Consuming Passions to hand.  It's about time I did another historical.  I used to be begging for historical IAs on adwc and since I've only written one Heyer-esque story and posted the 1960s China episode from an IA.  That's just lazy.

Another Spooks / Who crossover.  I didn't really get to do Ruth justice in Anarchist Sprites, although possibly in TTR: Plot and Loophole (Ooh, not posted that here.  I must do that.  It's probably one of my better old TTR stories).  Because originally when I was deciding which Doctor, it was between Eight and One and Eight won for a lot of reasons.  (Charley, Harry/Ruth jealousy etc.)  So the first Doctor arrives in 2001/2, whenever, tells Ben & Polly to stay where they are & goes off in search of a strange signal being transmitted & gets to GCHQ where he enlists the help of pre-Spooks Ruth.  Meanwhile, Ben & Polly of course leave the TARDIS and discover inflation, decimalisation and are generally their own lovable selves.  You know, that sounds dreadful.  I promise it won't be - or if it is, it'll never see the light of day.

UNIT: Unfinished.  This one has got as far as having a title, a beginning and most of an ending.  It's Liz.  It's the Brig.  The title says it all (except that I do plan to finish it).  I keep wanting to fix my series (and some of it needs it, especially one section of Invisible Man, part 1 of Undercover and some little bits at the end of Framed) and I think this is the reason.  Plus, I knew I'd have to do something when I couldn't do a Brig POV in Only Visiting This Planet.  Liz wants to finish things properly; UNIT are having a dull week.  She gets a visit from the Brig, but he doesn't come alone.

TTR: Murder at Mill Cottage.  When we discussed Nameless back in spring, Helen Fayle had the wonderful idea of Sarah, Harry and a Miss Marple pastiche in a St Mary Mead type village outside Nameless.  It's halfway there and I'm still in love with the idea; also Harry as narrator makes it easy to write.  The only trouble is, still no answer from Helen as to whether or not I can use the idea, so this may never happen outside of my own pc.  I expect my email did sound kind of insane, though.

Plus a now DW fan fic for Susan in The Last Battle.  Of all the weird things.  I was looking at a book about Prince Caspian at work (I get paid to do things with books), I sort of dreamt this and woke up in tears.  With G K Chesterton and A Grief Observed thrown in for good measure.  We'll see.  I might have to, though.

And then I got reminded of the Random Pairing Generator prompt (by a fic yesterday): First Doctor / Tegan / Shopping.  It sat in the back of my head and sounded too priceless not to try.  Yesterday, after mentioning it again, I suddenly worked out how to twist continuity just enough to have an excuse.  (I don't do AU by and large).  So now I have a Christmas story pencilled in.

Plus, there's the whole TTR/TDTO thing with Barbara stuck as a teacher in H G Wells, Ian having died in an too-horrific-to-mention freak accident some time back.  What else is she going to do but act as script writer for trashy soap Rassilon Street?  (Isobel Watkins is producer).  But that's waiting for some other subplot to crash with it, so not to worry about yet.

So if I feel slightly insane, this is why.  I think I'd better go do some writing and maybe things will improve.  If only my stories tended to be shorter.

writing, doctor who, wips, this time round

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