(no subject)

Dec 09, 2009 19:51

For the year of 2009:

Fics Completed:

I was going to do links and then realised how long that would take me. (See here for my Masterlist)

Five Times the Brigadier and Liz Shaw Saved the World (which I see I posted on 1/1/09!)
Ten Times the Doctor (Almost) Got Hitched (most recent...)
Just Another Day
Field Trip
A Monumental Incident
The Polly Effect
Five Times Polly Patched Up Ben
How the West Was Lost
Ego Clash
This Perilous Grace
On the Highway
Out of Body Experience
A Row (or Two)
The Oddest Couple
TTR: Blind Date
Passing Angels
Afternoon Matinee
UNIT fics - Transition, Strange Weapons, Lonely House, Stardust and The Great Mince Pie Mystery
How to Save a Life (ish)
A Gallifreyan at Blandings
The Founding
Love & Science
Carrying On
Crossover meme stories - A Rough Portrait in Black and White, Under Arrest, Of Antiques and Aliens, A Rose and A Thief, In the Line of Duty, Desperate Measures
Happy Endings - Double Take, Robophobia (And How To Cure It), Of Tea and Etiquette, Remnants, Princess, Android, Time Lady?, A Garden on Gallifrey
(Plus assorted drabbles)

Crossover meme - Trespassing, Offer of A Lifetime, Conversations from Whitbury Leisure Centre
Yuletide NYRs - The Ingenuity of Madame Edith, Once Upon a Dream, Promises
Idle Conversation
Happy Ever After Is Not The Problem
Grief, Observed
Blake's 7 - Games, Hell's Gate
Late Night, Thames House

Fics (multi-chapter) Started or Continued:

Winged Shadows
The Devil Is A Gentleman
Troublesome Bones

Total: *is very sheepish* 58
(With 1 TTR, 3 from ficathons, 2 B7friday challenges, 4 Random Pairing Generator Prompts)

Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?

A lot more.

Where did you publish/archive your stories?

Mostly Teaspoon, occasionally here, some on Yuletide and some non-Who ones on fanfiction.net.

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January 2009?

Everything from that last meme, for a start. But I never expected to write Six/Rose, cakefic with naked!Ten chained to Three, Polly/Andred, all those Leela ones, especially Leela/Litefoot and Leela/Colby. Nor did I ever expect to try anything vaguely Arthurian, or that I would become a B7 fan, and I swore I'd never ever do something as foolish as writing a post-Last Battle Susan fic. And that I'd also never attempt aping Wodehouse. Or Hex/Martha. And, really, you know, I thought UNIT was a bit boring, to be honest. I mean, other than the Brigadier and co... :lol: So, not the year I'd have predicted, all told.

What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.

That's difficult. A Gallifreyan at Blandings because it just about came off (P G Wodehouse! What was I thinking?), Grief, Observed, because it was something different (but I'm also ashamed of it because of the not wanting to write it, dreaming it and then there's the whole whopping plagiarism issue). Possibly, actually, truthfully - Robophobia (And How To Cure It). I think I've had a secret urge to write that for 12 years.

Okay, NOW your most popular story.

I think A Row (Or Two) wins out. (Reviewed 15 times, recced on calufrax, nominated for the smith awards and producing new Evelyn fans. Erm. And I wrote it in about an hour and a half; let's brush over that...) *whistles*

Story most underappreciated by the universe?

Erm. I think I'm lucky to get any kind people who will read and write some of the things I come out with. Look at the amount of it and all! *rolls eyes* Well, I get a lot less reviews when I do radical things like writing stuff that isn't DW. I suppose A Rough Portrait in Black and White (the Turlough/Charlotte Lucas meeting) got a lot less reviews than most things, but its recipient liked it. I liked it...

Story that could have been better?
All of them, especially: This Perilous Grace, Of Antiques and Aliens, UNIT: Stardust, The Devil Is A Gentlemen (I know it's not finished, but I just reread ch1 and 8-o. Eek.) Afternoon Matinee and How to save a Life (Ish).

Sexiest story?

Ha ha ha ha.

Most fun story?

How The West Was Lost. I rewrote Carry on Cowboy with the Brigadier and Three in it. How could that ever not be fun?

Story with single sweetest moment?

Judging by reader response that would be the Harry/Sarah Happy Ending 'Double Take'... with the Polly/Ben Five Times fic coming up close behind.

The story that made you cry?

Grief, Observed. (I dreamt it and woke up in tears - does that count?) I suppose Lonely House did, but that was more due to rl than the story.

Hardest story to write?

The Ingenuity of Madame Edith. For one thing, trying to write Allo Allo is not a sane course of action. Silly plottiness, then whether or not to include the accents - and it was for NYR and the recipient didn't want Rene in it much. That's harder than it sounds. And they wanted femslash. Luckily, the one good thing about Allo Allo is that bit was incredibly easy because there are always random and inexplicable edclarations of love going round.

Easiest story to write?
A Row (or Two). Like I said.

Most overdue story?
The Devil Is A Gentleman.

Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
See above for all the things I didn't think I'd ever write. And I wrote non DW things - retelling of a fairy tale, outright comedy in the Allo Allo fic, How The West Was Lost and the Blandings fic, angst in Grief, Observed and something hopefully a bit more realistic (ish) in UNIT: Transition.

Do you have any fanfic goals for the New Year?
Finish the WIPs. Stop with the obsessive UNIT OCs fic. Write less than that next year??

More specific goals:
Finish Winged Shadows (the DW/Angel cross) by Christmas.

fannish scribbles, writing, meme

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