Ceasing crossposting

Jun 04, 2018 20:25

So, when I switched primarily to Dreamwidth last year following the introduction of the new TOS, my plan was to stop cross-posting when my paid account ran out. That was six months ago. I've been reluctant to take the last step, because I think I'll inevitably lose some people. (I'll still be looking at the couple of LJ-only people I still follow and comment on the same, though, so no need to worry about that.)

Anyway, it's ridiculous: I'm not cross-posting any more filtered personal content to a site that gives me no rights over it (even tumblr assures me that my content is my own), even aside from the unpleasant anti-LGBTQ+ stance embedded in the new TOS. For a site like LJ, though, the content thing is a dealbreaker. (Deal broken, LJ. You broke it, not me. ;-p)

I tried to set up an LJ feed for people if they wanted it so they can still read here and comment there, as now, but I can't seem to. I think I need a paid account? (If anyone knows how to do it, if you pm me the link either side I'll edit it into the post).

ETA: https://lost-spook-dw.livejournal.com/


ETA2: Of course, this only shows public entries, not private & commenting there would be pointless. (Click through to the entry proper to comment as usual.)

Comments disabled as no one will get anything good out of another round of Dreamwidth vs LJ. We all have different preferences and last straws and all that. I just need to bite the bullet, make this post, and stop at last and I'm really sorry if that inconveniences anyone, but I already waited longer than I should have done.

Crossposted from Dreamwidth. Please click through to comment. -- Current comments:

lj, dreamwidth

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