(no subject)

May 12, 2018 20:34

My friend has been and gone and we had a nice time, and now I should be back around a bit, instead of just keeping an eye on the commentfest and posting Things I Made Earlier*

The commentfest continues however! I shall do a second wave of promotion for the weekend. Anyone you wishes to help by promoting it on their journal or a relevant comm is very welcome. (And thanks to those who already have! <3)

There are many banners like this one with coding ready made to c+p here (plus links to a selection of rebloggable tumblr posts), so you barely need to do any work at all:

And I will happily make one for any fandom you wish, as long as there are images available.

It is going pretty well, though, so far. And of course, please feel free to add all the prompts you wish and make any fills you fancy. (I mean, without prompts, nothing.)

(tl;dr: I'm back, I'm still a nuisance.)

* I don't have a Blue Peter badge, but I should do.

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obscure & british, rl

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