Annual Writing Stats Meme 2018

Apr 30, 2018 17:32

It's that time of year again! Last year's is here.

Hits (minus the handful which must have been skewed by bots or a bug, if that isn't, in fact, all of them. Which it may be):
1. Century's End (Poldark, Ross/Demelza, 2692 words) 2338 hits.
2. Not Bad For a First Attempt (Heyer, Rule/Horry, 200 words) 2291 hits.
3. Truth & Compromise (Discworld, William de Worde/Sacharissa Cripslock, 4404 words), NYR 2011 1697 hits.
4. something in the heart (15th C Hist/Shadow of the Tower, Henry VII/Elizabeth of York, 730 words), Trope Bingo, 1678 hits
5. Rewards of Battle (15th C Hist/Shadow of the Tower, Henry VII/Elizabeth of York, 669 words) 1674 hits.
6. So We Meet at Last (Miss Marple/Dracula crossover, 578 words) Fan Flashworks, 1574 hits.
7. This Single World is Double Till I Die OUaT, Emma/Regina, 4138 words), 1481 hits.
8. Ten Times the Doctor (Almost) Got Hitched (Doctor Who, 5358 words), 1419 hits.
9. Observation (Miss Marple/Harry Potter crossover, Miss Marple & Luna, 357 words), 1376 hits.
10. Five Times the Doctor Got in the Way of Captain Janeway (and One Time They Got Along Just Fine) (DW/ST: Voyager crossover, 5260 words), 1313 hits.

These lists tend to be the same, which winds up as something of a self-fulfilling prophecy in itself. (Doing the second tier list might vary things up a bit, lol.) However, much as I may not have enjoyed The White Princess, it seems to have boosted my Henry VII/Elizabeth of York stories. (I hope you all understand from this list that I could write nothing but James Maxwell related shipfic and be relatively popular, but I don't. I'd miss you lot too much!)

I'm still amused about the Poldark one, though, because when I first wrote it, it was the only Ross/Demelza fic anywhere, and nobody had dreamt of a remake. I'm not sure anybody's ever actually commented on it, though. (To be fair, it is a weird immortality AU written for the 70s version.)

1. The Spirit of St Mary Mead (Miss Marple, 4005 words), Yuletide 2016, 228 kudos
2. So We Meet at Last (Miss Marple/Dracula crossover, 578 words) Fan Flashworks, 176 kudos
3. Observation (Miss Marple/Harry Potter crossover, Miss Marple & Luna, 357 words), 111 kudos
4. Century's End (Poldark, Ross/Demelza, 2692 words), 105 kudos
5. Space Married (DW, Twelve/Clara, 940 words), prompt ficlet, 100 kudos
6. Five Times the Doctor Got in the Way of Captain Janeway (and One Time They Got Along Just Fine) (DW/ST: Voyager crossover, 5260 words), 95 kudos
7. Not Bad For a First Attempt (Heyer, Rule/Horry, 200 words), 84 kudos
8. Truth & Compromise (Discworld, William de Worde/Sacharissa Cripslock, 4404 words), NYR 2011, 78 kudos
9. Take the Second Path (OUaT, Emma/Regina, 2828 words), 73 kudos
10. Of Elements & Existence (Discworld/S&S crossover, 2642 words), Yuletide 2012, 67 kudos

These ones have also just rearranged their positions a little and now the top three slots are all what you could term weird Miss Marple stories. I am still bemused and amused and very slightly resentful (for no particular reason). lol.

1. The Spirit of St Mary Mead (Miss Marple, 4005 words), Yuletide 2016, 75 comments
2. So We Meet at Last (Miss Marple/Dracula crossover, 578 words) Fan Flashworks, 40 comments
=3. movements of the mind (Twelfth Night, Feste & Olivia, 1891 words), Yuletide 2016, 34 comments
=3. By the Book (Original Works, Male Demon/Female Librarian, 5863 words), Hetswap 2018, 34 comments.
=4. Of Elements & Existence (Discworld/S&S crossover, 2642 words), Yuletide 2012, 28 comments
=4. Persistence in Porcelain (Jonathan Creek, 4090 words), Yuletide 2013, 28 comments.
5. Space Married (DW, Twelve/Clara, 940 words), prompt ficlet, 26 comments.
=6. Hit and Run (Blake's 7), Yuletide 2010, 24 comments.
=6. New Tricks for Old Dogs (or Five Alternate Universes Where Sandra Pullman Was Always Awesome) (New Tricks), Yuletide 2012, 24 comments.
=6. Vigil (Measure for Measure, Duke Vincentio/Isabella, 1246 words), Yuletide 2012, 24 comments.

Much to my pleasure, my
hetswap origfic about the Demon and the Librarian has darted into 4th place. Also to my pleasure, Vigil, which I am still v fond of, has returned to the top ten. (This is comments not comment threads.)

1. The Spirit of St Mary Mead (Miss Marple, 4005 words), Yuletide 2016, 37 bookmarks
2. So We Meet at Last (Miss Marple/Dracula crossover, 578 words) Fan Flashworks, 32 bookmarks
3. Five Times the Doctor Got in the Way of Captain Janeway (and One Time They Got Along Just Fine) (DW/ST: Voyager crossover, 5260 words), 22 bookmarks
4. How to Save a Life (Ish) (Red Dwarf/DW crossover, Martha Jones/Arnold Rimmer, 2925 words), 11 bookmarks
=5. Home? (DW, multi-era, 7938 words), 10 bookmarks
=5. Observation (Miss Marple/Harry Potter crossover, Miss Marple & Luna, 357 words), 10 bookmarks
=6. Nobody's Property (DW, Seven & Ace, 1320 words) dw_50ficathon/hc_bingo, 9 bookmarks
=6. movements of the mind (Twelfth Night, Feste & Olivia, 1891 words), Yuletide 2016, 9 bookmarks
=6. Truth & Compromise (Discworld, William de Worde/Sacharissa Cripslock, 4404 words), NYR 2011, 9 bookmarks
=6. By the Book (Original Works, Male Demon/Female Librarian, 5863 words), Hetswap 2018, 9 bookmarks
=7. Space Married (DW, Twelve/Clara, 940 words), prompt ficlet, 8 bookmarks.
=7. The Time Traveller’s Guide: Important Additional Information (Time Traveller's Guide, 1722 words) Yuletide 2013, 8 bookmarks.
=7. something in the heart (15th C Hist/Shadow of the Tower, Henry VII/Elizabeth of York, 730 words), Trope Bingo, 8 bookmarks.
=7. Ten Times the Doctor (Almost) Got Hitched (Doctor Who, 5358 words), 8 bookmarks.

The bookmarks are always a little more random, but I'm pleased to know that people also like Nobody's Property (Seven & Ace), and The Time Traveller's Guide. I don't know how the Martha/Rimmer one is doing so well (for my level of typical no. of bookmarks), though! (It moved up the list since last year, too.)

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