WIP Meme

Apr 19, 2018 21:37

I was tagged for one of these on tumblr and since I haven't done the WIP meme here since last May, I thought I'd post it here too:

1. My very old probably-never-to be finished ridiculous AU where Richard III is a vampire and Elizabeth of York is a vampire slayer and Henry VII is too modern and rational to believe in vampires. (This is a bit of a hindrance for everyone other than Richard). I’d decided, watching TWQ, that clearly their RIII was getting paler and paler and was in fact a sparkly vampire, which explained everything.

It got abandoned a long time ago because a) people would be queuing up to kill me and b) I have a beginning and an ending and then nothing but incomprehensible notes in the middle about people breeding giant frogs and Jasper Tudor being Merlin and I have no idea what any of that was about; I may have been delirious or something. (Well, I have vague memories about the Merlin bit but the frogs are beyond me.)

Elizabeth caught her breath and reached for the stake she always kept about her person. Vampires could not enter uninvited, of course, but many of them already had been allowed into Sherriff Hutton. She had encountered one unexpectedly only yesterday and had only narrowly managed to destroy him. Happily, she had been able to trick him into following her into the chapel, after which his end was inevitable. She wondered why none of the vampires seemed to have understood that yet, although it a fortunate circumstance for the rest of them.

2. Five Times Mina post-canon fic for Dracula TV 1968, except it is languishing at only One Time typed up, although I believe I have the rest in a notebook, and looking at what I have, even if I don't, the one time bit is a perfectly acceptable Mina/Lucy post-canon piece:

Mina pushed further at the lid, sending it falling onto the floor - and now she could see Lucy, lying there so very still with a wooden stake through her heart.

That was a ghoulish sight indeed, but Lucy was otherwise as Mina remembered her. It was the first time that some of the peculiarity of her position stole its way through into the forefront of Mina’s mind and she hesitated, but her gaze strayed to that incongruous, awful stake and she could not bear it to remain there.

3. When the Lights Go Out, my v overdue Sapphire and Steel Fandom Stocking giftfic for Annariel and Kaffyr, whoops. (I actually edited and wrote some more while doing this meme - ch 2 is nearly done, I just need to get typing on the rest now I don't feel so bad as I did before.)

“What do you want?” Sapphire asked, and when that got no response, she sent it by means of thought instead: What do you want? Who are you?

Madame Celeste’s head jerked up, as if being pulled by a string, and her eyes were dark. “They must stay,” she said. Her voice was not her own; it was querulous, weak. “Stay here. They’ll be safe.”

“Safe!” said Steel. “At least one of them is dead.”

4. A NYR Upstart Crow giftfic about Kate I still hope to manage, pending more brain:

“Gosh,” said Kate, observing Juliet undress. “You’re a girl!”

Juliet winked at her. “You’re a fine one to talk. Your sausage has fallen off, Romeo.”

“Oh,” said Kate, struggling to cover her faux pas, not to mention her sausage, or lack of it. “Cor blimey, mate, will you look at that?”

5. Adam Adamant Lives! Adam/Georgie AU for
unconventionalcourtship, probably also started in 2015…

“And now for you, Miss Jones,” said Adam, facing her. “You are unquestionably the most unsuitable and inadequate housekeeper it has ever been my misfortune to encounter, and your continued presence here in that capacity would be entirely inappropriate. Completely impossible.”

Georgina looked suddenly more waif-like than ever, hugging her shawl to her. “Oh, but you can’t be so heartless as to cast me out into the snow without even a reference! What would I do?”

“It’s not snowing,” said Simms. “Unfortunately.”

Like the EoY one, it has a beginning and an end and no middle. This seems to be the most fatal state of a WIP for me.

Languishing longhand in notebooks but close to being typed up at some point soon:

a Silver/Liz fic for the April
hc_bingo challenge
a Brig/Liz 500 prompts fill (that went pretty much gen as usual, dammit)
Another Edward/Julia AU which I'm not supposed to be writing, but, look, I had one final Lemon-Lime Sorbet prompt to do and this would fill a
genprompt_bingo square...

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historical, writing, mina harker, wips, upstart crow, dracula, fannish scribbles, sapphire and steel, meme, adam adamant lives!

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