2018 Minor Characters Ficathon

Mar 11, 2018 12:46

I am very pleased to be able to announce that the 2018 Doctor Who Minor Characters Ficathon will be taking place after all!

shivver has kindly stepped in to run it for me, so it will be happening at
who_guestfest, with prompting starting off this very week, and sign-ups open from next weekend! (See the comm for more details.)

For those who are not familiar with it, it is, as you might have guessed, a ficathon where the focus is on guest (or minor) characters from any corners of the Whoniverse (old, new, spin-offs, audios, novels, comics etc. etc.).

A Dreamwidth account is not necessary to take part - even aside from the Open ID option, anon-commenting is on, so anyone can leave prompts or sign-up (although you'll need to remember to include your username from LJ/tumblr/AO3), and just link the mods to your fic on your posting date, and they'll post the link to the comm, and there is an AO3 Collection.

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minor characters ficathon, ficathon, doctor who

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