Fandom Questions Meme (8-10)

Mar 07, 2018 09:56

A bunch of not-very-exciting questions together:

8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom?

I'm not sure what my newest actually-a-fandom is - maybe possibly Daisy Dalrymple, if it counts? Generally, I watched it, or very occasionally, read it, and went to read fic or write it, or look for vids or other things. As you do! Sometimes I get into things by recommendations, reviews, recs, fic, vids or tumblr pics/gifsets, or something. Also, as you do.

9. What are the best things about your current fandom?

That is probably Doctor Who, and the great thing about DW is that it's so big! You can always find something new, or some corner to hide in. Not into the latest TV series? Listen to Big Finish, or go read the NAs, or catch up on some Classic Who. Or how about the Sarah Jane Adventures or the comics, or BBV 90s productions? You could even watch Torchwood. (;-p) And for a canvas, you only have the whole of time and space and all the strange places in between to play with. What more do you want?

It's brilliant for fic writing, because there is almost nothing you can do that wouldn't be possible in canon. You don't need an AU for a historical setting, or a space setting, or even a coffee shop. The TARDIS can land there! It's the most perfect fandom for crossovers, and it has any amount of weirdness and there probably is no canon anyway. The main character has been 13+ different people, with assorted companions and enemies, plus one-off characters from nearly every episode/serial, all of whom could potentially run into any of the others, because time travel. The only constant is the TARDIS, really, and even that's not necessarily guaranteed.

And over the years, I've made some lovely friends in it and read some amazing fic (often by said lovely friends), and it is where I started out from fannishly and where I always come back to.

10. Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?

Lots, although, as we have seen, I will write for anything when the mood takes me or if a cool prompt comes up in a fest or something. Every Yuletide, I read lots of things I'd never write in, and sometimes when I watch something I'll idly look to see whether or not there's fic.

(I don't have a specific fandom that I tend to read for the tropes but have never watched, though, which I suspect is what this question was aimed at.)

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doctor who, fannish nonsense, meme

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