Icon Post (Various)

Jan 30, 2018 14:24

34 icons made for the most recent round of
iconthat, for
ladies10in30, and


My latest
iconthat set (for the prompt "Ka-Boom" - action icons) + Alternates, all from Once Upon a Time S6:

And a set I started for
ladies10in30 for the theme of Science Heroes, Big Bads & Fallen Princesses, but sadly the comm died halfway through the challenge so I didn't get to finish the set:

Blake's 7, OUaT, Three Musketeers, Doomwatch

Doctor Who, OUaT, Ripper Street

Servalan, Regina & Milady (Faye Dunaway, from the 70s films) being of course Big Bads, Fay Chantry (Jean Trend, from Doomwatch) & Romana II being Science Heroes, and Snow and Susan Hart Fallen Princesses, although Romana might work for both the latter tropes.)

Icons made for
fandom_stocking. Unlike all my other icons, which anyone may take and use in the usual way, these were made as gifts, so if you would like to use any of them, please ask the recipient for permission.

Dracula quotes for

Anakin (PT) icons for

Discworld quotes for

Jyn Erso (Rogue One) icons for

Jyn Erso/Cassian Andor (Rogue One) icons for

(I decided to use my v v tired stage for Screencapping Actually Useful Pretty Sources (as opposed to Thriller, hence the sudden ability to do Star Wars icons. Also my friend gave me Rogue One for Christmas.)

Credits: screencaps my own; textures by larmay (esp. ladies10in30), tiger_tyger (including the Discworld backgrounds), & twinstrikeish (Dracula background). The usual rules apply to all but the fandom stocking entries: want, take, have, credit. Comments = ♥ and hotlinkers will be set upon by the nearest Big Bad to hand.

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quotes, star wars, doctor who, 1970s, fandom_stocking, iconthat, ripper street, discworld, dracula, icons, doomwatch, blake's 7, three musketeers, once upon a time

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